Thursday, June 20th, 2019: 2019 Trips, Escudillo, Hikes, Mogollon Rim, Nature, Regions, Road Trips, Southeast Arizona, Whites, Wildfire.
For more than a decade, I’ve been driving past this mountain on my way west from my New Mexico home. When I’m westbound, it’s mostly hidden behind lower hills, and I only glimpse it over my right shoulder. When I’m driving eastward, on my way home, I first spot its distinctive steep-sided, flat-topped elephant shape far in the distance, across the high grasslands, standing off by itself, isolated from the rest of its volcanic range. I’m especially attracted to high plateaus, and I always wondered what it would be like to climb to the top.
During those early years, its steep slopes were draped in dense conifer forest, slashed here and there by the avalanche scars of black volcanic talus. Then, eight years ago, the state’s largest wildfire, started by careless campers, swept across from the main bulk of the range and destroyed virtually all the mountain’s forest. I was sickened, but as more of our southwestern mountains were deforested by wildfire, I got used to hiking in burn scars, and came to view it as a chance to learn about ecological adaptation. So I figured I’d eventually end up hiking this one.
The Spanish called it the Soup Bowl because its top features large bowl-like meadows above 10,000′ elevation. It’s actually the state’s third-highest mountain. Since the fire, the dead high-elevation forests all over this vast range have been filled in by virulent green thickets of ferns, aspens, and Gambel oak.
The local offices of the Forest Service make little attempt to keep their public information up to date, so I was unaware until I reached it that the fire lookout tower on the peak had been damaged and abandoned after the fire. But the trail has been cleared by the incredible effort of sawing through thousands of downed trees.
The first part of the trail, to the first bowl at 10,000′, was tightly hemmed in by aspen: mature stands unaffected by fire, and the young thickets that often replace burned conifer forest. It wasn’t until I’d climbed past the first grassy bowl, “Tool Box Meadow,” that I encountered the white skeleton forests of burned Engelmann spruce, and heard their eerie wailing. There was a constant gale-force wind blowing across the top of the mountain, and it triggered resonant frequencies in the high skeletal branches of the tall spruce snags. At first I thought it was a flock of birds crying off in the distance, then it moved closer and sounded more like a crowd of women wailing hysterically in pain and despair. It was my constant companion for the rest of my visit to the top of the Soup Bowl, and the longer it lasted, the more I wanted to get out of that place.
Although the abandoned lookout tower had been fenced off, other hikers had found a way under the fence, and I followed, intending to climb to the balcony for a better view. But the higher I climbed, the more the steel tower vibrated in the wind, and the harder I had to hold on to keep from getting blown off the steep stairs. That, plus the wailing forest below, really freaked me out, and when I was about two-thirds of the way up, I noticed the top of the stairs were blocked by a locked trap door, gave up and carefully climbed back down.
Adding to the weirdness on the mountain top was an abundance of trash from recent hikers along the trail, all of which I gathered and packed out. I’ve never seen anything like this on a trail in New Mexico, even near town. I get the feeling that in general, Arizonans may be more likely to trash their habitats than New Mexicans.
Saturday, June 22nd, 2019: 2019 Trips, Mogollon Rim, Regions, Road Trips.
The next agenda item on my trip was to penetrate the interior of the mountains, a vast area with no paved roads and some of the worst devastation from the 2011 wildfire. It’s the watershed of the Black River, which is apparently famous among trout fishermen, and I knew that in the middle of it was an unlikely bridge over the river, by which I hoped to reach my next destination, a remote alpine lodge at the south end of the mountains. Along the way I’d get a feel for the landscape and the condition of the forest.
I’d spent a couple of nights in a resort village tucked away on the north side of the range, and I was relieved to be getting away, because hundreds of motorcyclists were converging on the village for the weekend, in convoys of a dozen or more that thundered through the alpine forest, dominating the sensory environment for miles around.
It was a long, slow drive on a rough road, winding along ridges, down into shallow, well-watered canyons, and finally to the rim of the canyon of the Black River itself, which is about 800 feet deep here. Ever since I spotted this place on a map, I figured it must be one of the most remote locations in the state. You do encounter little traffic on these back roads, but whenever you pass a turnoff, you can generally expect to see a group of big RVs and/or horse trailers parked back in the woods. Along the river beside the bridge were several parked vehicles, presumably for fishermen.
Across the river, the road rises steeply, and continues rising, higher and higher and higher, surmounting ridge after ridge until you can hardly believe there could be more. This is the edge of the Bear Wallow Wilderness, where the fire originally started. The climb from the Black River to this high country is 2,500′.
Near the top, I decided to take a side trip in search of a short hike. The side road I chose wasn’t bad compared to our desert roads, but my little vehicle has such a stiff suspension I felt like I was riding in a jackhammer – even the smallest rock in the road launched me into the air with calamitous thuds and rattles. I doggedly followed the road to its end, Gobbler Point, where there was a trailhead that was completely blocked by a couple of big trucks with horse trailers. And on the way back, I leaned over in my seat to reach for my camera, and instantly felt like I was being sliced in half at the waist. My dreaded back condition had been triggered, I’d be crippled for who knows how long, and my vacation was essentially ruined.
I carry pain meds for just this kind of situation. Fortunately my vehicle has seats with good lumbar support, and I was able to drive to a pulloff where I took a couple of pills and very carefully laid down on the pine needles to do my spinal twist stretch. It didn’t help much, so I got a beer out of the cooler and had some lunch, trying not to think of what lay ahead of me. The lodge I’d made reservations at is truly in the middle of nowhere, with no services to speak of, and no cell phone reception. I’d be pretty much on my own for the next couple of days, while dealing with paralyzing levels of pain.
The road seemed even longer on the way out. When I finally made it to the lodge, I was dismayed to find a big biker rally in progress. The entire front of the lodge was teeming with bikers guzzling beer and scarfing down barbecue. I was pale, my entire body tense with pain, when I carefully stepped out of my vehicle and edged through the mass of bikers and up the steps, walking like I was balancing a crate of eggs on my head. Taking my time and pretending to be normal, I checked in and somehow managed to carry my stuff up the inside stairs to my room on the second floor. It turned out to be tiny, with no space to lay out my stuff, most of the room hogged by the small iron bed. And of course there was no seating with adequate lumbar support, so it was either stand up, or carefully lie down on the over-soft mattress. I realized that sleeping on the soft mattress in my previous lodging had actually triggered the episode of back pain. It had been six months since my last episode, and I’d gotten careless, spending a lot of time lying on my back, which I knew I shouldn’t have done. I truly am vulnerable!
My back was even worse now, so I took another pill and crawled stiffly into bed. It was early afternoon, and I was hoping to feel good enough in a few hours to go downstairs for dinner. But the meds hardly helped. The entire lodge complex seemed to be operated by a single person, a small but rugged-looking woman about my age, and I realized that if I was going to eat anything, it would have to be with her help. But there were no phones in the room, so I’d have to get myself downstairs somehow to talk to her.
It took a while. Even the slightest wrong move could literally bring me to my knees on the floor, and that happened several times. I had to walk like I was on eggshells, but holding myself together also had a tendency to trigger an excruciating spasm. Eventually, pale and distracted, I found myself in the dining room, where three tables were already occupied. I fumblingly tried to explain the situation to my host, and she said she used to have back trouble herself and would be happy to bring something to my room.
But of course, there was no place to eat in my room. I found a card table and a folding chair on the landing at the top of the stairs, and rediscovered that folding chairs have great lumbar support, so that’s where I ate, with the host lady marching up to check on me every five minutes or so.
Back in my room for the night, I spent hours trying to find a position that minimized the pain and allowed me to sleep, but eventually I did.
Sunday, June 23rd, 2019: 2019 Trips, Hikes, Mogollon Rim, Regions, Road Trips, Rose, Southeast Arizona, Whites.
Of course, my back was even worse in the morning, so I took a couple more pills first thing, and made it into the shower, hoping the heat would do my back some good. The heat and the pills made it possible for me to walk stiffly downstairs for breakfast, and later to very carefully haul my stuff back to the vehicle after checking out.
I figured my trip was cut short and I should just try to get back home. There was the familiar route, north from the lodge to the highway that continues southeast to Silver City, or there was the unfamiliar road due south, which is longer but is the route I’d been planning to take. In view of my condition I turned north.
But after ten minutes or so on the paved highway, in my nice comfortable car seat, I was feeling bummed about leaving the mountains and guilty about wimping out. I’d originally planned to do a big hike today, ten miles or more, in this high country along the famous Mogollon Rim. Maybe I could just drive to the trailhead and conduct an experiment. After all, walking is supposed to be good for your back!
The road to the trailhead was at least as bad as the one on which my episode had been triggered, the day before, and even longer. But I toughed it out. And at the trailhead, I somehow managed to change into my hiking clothes, attach the tape and felt I use to protect my chronically injured foot, and get my heavy hiking boots on. I carefully shouldered my pack and started down the trail. I figured that if I fell and became immobilized, at least I had a couple more pills and my GPS message device…
This rim trail was clearly unmaintained since the fire. It followed an old stock fence which likewise had been abandoned and often simply disappeared, both fence and trail. But I managed to keep figuring out where it went and rejoining it further on.
I went down a long hill, then up another, then down that, then up another, in and out of forest and raw clearings, always with a partial view off the rim to my left, screened by trees, over more wild, unknown country to the south. While temperatures were pushing 90 back home, up here it was in the low 70s, with an intermittent breeze. All told, I climbed four hills, detouring around fallen trees and losing and refinding the trail over and over, before finding myself in a saddle, facing impenetrable thickets and no more trail or fence. So I pushed my way a short distance through Gambel oak to the rim, sat on a rock and had lunch. The view south was dim with smoke, but I could just barely see the silhouette of the Pinaleno range, about 90 miles away, where I’d done several hikes earlier in the year.
Halfway back, I encountered a college-age couple dressed in the latest hiking fashions, and warned them that the trail ended only a mile further. Funny, in the Forest Service trail guide this is called a popular trail, and is shown to connect with other popular trails. The guide apparently hasn’t been updated since the 1990s, but they’re happy to give it out when you inquire.
Sunday, June 23rd, 2019: 2019 Trips, Mogollon Rim, Regions, Road Trips.
Now that I’d experimented with my pain level by driving a back road and hiking a trail, I decided to experiment further by driving the unfamiliar road south. I had a sense it was daunting – long, steep, and full of hairpins – but again I felt guilty about taking the easy route.
This road turned out to be a revelation! Who knew there was so much remote, wild country tucked away in an area that looked small on the map? Far, far from any city, and with no apparent settlements or even ranches in 50 or 60 miles, as this road climbed down thousands of feet, then up thousands of feet again, over mountain range after mountain range I’d had no idea even existed. Along the way, there were dozens of signed turnoffs for campgrounds and trailheads, but few signs of people or vehicles. And every time the road crested a mountain, there was a scenic overlook.
About halfway down this road, I was suddenly tailgated by a big late-model truck, and I pulled over to let it pass. It was the college kids! They had given up on the trail even quicker than I had, and were racing to get back to the city, four or five hours away.
In his best-selling book Enlightenment Now, the celebrity Harvard professor Steven Pinker promotes the notion that white Europeans have been making the world a better place ever since their “Age of Enlightenment” in the 18th century – otherwise known as the Industrial Revolution. A consummate urbanite, Pinker is totally oblivious to nature, ecology, and the services natural ecosystems provide. Hence he has no concern for the ecological impacts of industrial society, such as climate change – he believes that anything which enhances the urban, affluent Euro-American lifestyle is an unequivocal step forward for the species and its, preferably man-made, environments. And his thesis is particularly attractive to young people indoctrinated in our Eurocentric colleges and universities, and to the industrialists and tech industry entrepreneurs who are actually creating our future.
The end of my trip found me passing through a modern manifestation of Pinker’s Age of Enlightenment, which he would likely call one of humanity’s greatest achievements: one of the largest industrial sites on earth. The sun was going down, my back pain was getting worse, and I realized that I needed to find a place to stop for the night. Home was still three hours away and I wasn’t going to make it.
I pulled over to take another pill, and kept driving south. And just as the scenery was getting really spectacular, I caught a glimpse of an artificial mountain, a salmon-red tailings pile, looming far ahead. I knew I would pass the mine, and I’d even flown over it once not long ago. But nothing could prepare me for this.
It literally went on for about ten miles, just getting bigger and bigger, and although it was Sunday they were working full-bore, with huge trucks racing back and forth like ants across towering slopes, and clouds of dust rising like erupting volcanoes on either side. This symbol of man’s power to destroy nature must serve as an inspiration for new-age industrialists like Elon Musk, whose “gigafactory” wiped out a big swath of wildlife habitat in Nevada, and whose electrical technologies are dramatically increasing the demand for unsustainable mining of copper and other non-renewable metals.
The road twisted and turned and rose and fell through this nightmare landscape, then entered the processing area, and finally the company town. Then it dove into a deep, dark canyon and entered the old, original mining town, in which picturesque Victorian commercial buildings and tiny residential neighborhoods lined the slopes of side canyons along the San Francisco River. I took a wrong turn and ended up ascending a steep side street that reminded me of Los Angeles’ Silver Lake district, with expensive European cars parked outside well-maintained Spanish-style homes packed together like sardines.
Finally I arrived at the town’s only motel and pulled up outside the office, but it was unattended and there was no way to reach the owner. I would have to keep driving, another 45 miles south where I knew there were plenty of lodgings. I had just enough gas, and just enough light, to make it, to end this long day.
Sunday, November 10th, 2019: 2019 Trips, Mojave Desert, Regions, Road Trips.
I started this fall’s road and camping trip in a conflicted state of excitement and anxiety. On the one hand, I was proud of the past year’s hard work and the accomplishment of recovering from five years of multiple disabilities and surgery, to regain strength, mobility, and the stamina to hike farther and higher than before all this started. I was eager to test my new abilities alongside those of my younger friends, who provided a benchmark for what I hoped to do in my favorite stomping grounds of the Mojave Desert, Great Basin, and Colorado Plateau.
On the other hand, three months earlier, while treating sciatica in my right foot, I’d experienced a sharp pain in my left knee that had plagued me two or three times in the past decade. I’d always assumed it was patellar tendinitis, treated it by hiking with a knee band or sleeve, stuck to my mindful stretching and strength training, and it’d always gone away within 2 or 3 months. But within the past couple of weeks I’d become worried that the knee pain would get in the way of my hiking on the fall trip, and I started practicing some additional, commonly recommended treatments for patellar tendinitis.
But those treatments made the pain significantly worse, to the point where on the eve of my trip I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to hike much at all. Driving with a manual transmission, working the clutch with that knee hour after hour, is especially hard, and it seemed like my aging body was out to sabotage my dreams again.
Following the pattern I’d developed during recent years, I hoped to explore southeast Utah, southeast Nevada, and the east Mojave over a period of up to 3 weeks. But last minute plans involved joining a younger friend in the desert at the beginning, where we would discuss a joint itinerary to occupy the first week and a half. The weather forecast for the desert was calm with mild temperatures before I left home, so we were expecting some easy camping and good hiking.
Planning to leave home on Monday with a 6-hour drive to Flagstaff, I put off most of my packing until Monday morning, figuring my long experience would make packing straightforward – and it was. I’d acquired a 1995 Suzuki Sidekick 4-door 4wd last winter and tested it a bit in a short desert camping trip in May, but this would be the first significant test, since I planned to explore some serious back roads that wouldn’t have been accessible for my 2wd truck. With the back seat removed, cargo space was so ample that all my gear barely showed above the windowsills, and the only thing I had to carry on the roof rack would be gas cans. Which was good, since with apparent rotator cuff tears in both shoulders, I couldn’t lift heavy weights that high anyway.
Unfortunately, the final drive to Flagstaff occurred as the sun was setting directly in front of me in a cloudless sky, and with the high profile of the Sidekick and the small sun visors, it meant I spent the better part of two hours driving with one hand raised to block the sun. Why didn’t I stop somewhere and wait for the sun to set? At times, I had zero visibility on the Interstate with its heavy truck traffic, steep grades, and 75 mph speed limit. It was so nerve-wracking I was a mess by the time I reached my motel.
I’d researched and located a Cajun restaurant near the motel, and walked over there in the dark after checking into my room. The food was great but it turned out to be a much longer walk than expected, through a semi-industrial neighborhood with heavy traffic and few sidewalks or street lights, where massage parlors were the only open businesses. I felt like I was in a slum in a big city, not a historic railroad town high in the mountains.
Flagstaff is my routine shopping stop for camp food and any needed gear. I needed a few items that turned out to be hard to find, so it took me most of Tuesday in a town that is one of my least favorite. For example, I went to 5 different places in different parts of town before settling on plastic gas cans and a new plastic water jug – cheap but important items that are mostly poorly designed and built.
In the meantime, I’d heard from another friend that he might be able to meet me the next morning to show off his native community in the desert. So I was planning to spend this night in the dying river town and drive to his place Wednesday morning, after doing laundry that would give me enough clean clothes to last a week of camping.
So again, I ended up driving due west toward the setting sun in another cloudless sky, on the high-speed Interstate with even steeper grades, reaching town again a nervous wreck from holding up my hand and squinting for poor visibility, to check into a dilapidated motel room that smelled strongly of mildew – normal for a dying town that pins all its current hopes on the cannabis industry.
Then I drove a half hour north past the big reservation farms for dinner at one of my favorite Mexican restaurants – since the dying town lacks a good dinner place.
Wednesday morning I did laundry at the motel, bought block ice to fill my two coolers, and headed down to my friend’s native community.
There, I entered the small resort area, parked, and walked to the restaurant on the lake shore. A wall of glass overlooked a choppy sea that extended for 2 miles to a steep alluvial fan at the foot of distant mountains. Completely blanketing the fan was a vast, unexpected city. Not that the lake was expected – it was all as surreal as a Star Trek set. So much water in the desert, all of it draining from mountains up to a thousand miles away! So much hubris, the unsustainable engineering of habitat for humans by our industrial civilization. While waiting for my friend, I watched private fishing boats venturing out from the harbor of the small resort, and a small ferry shuttling passengers between this and the much larger resort on the opposite bank.
My friend arrived, we had lunch, then I drove us around the area as he gave me a tour and told me the story of his people and their land. First we went to a spring that featured in ancient legends I’d read about decades ago. The preservation of this spring on public land was my friend’s first achievement as a custodian of his people’s traditions, and he was understandably very proud of it. As a precious water source in what used to be undeveloped desert, it featured a rock outcrop which used to be covered with petroglyphs, but most of them had been chipped off by whites – including government agents – to use as yard decorations. My friend pointed out how the one panel that remained represented an ancient map showing the Pleistocene shoreline of a lake that was similar to the present lake, indicating that the river had been dammed naturally at one point thousands of years ago. The map even showed village boundaries on an island which is now a peninsula.
We talked about LaVan Martineau, a white man taught by Southern Paiutes in Utah, who published interpretations of rock writing which are generally dismissed by archaeologists and other white experts. We agreed that Martineau probably offered a better perspective than most of the so-called experts.
He told me the story of a historical conflict with another community at this place, a raid and massacre, and retaliation of the survivors, which included one of his wife’s relatives. The spring had since been used as a stagecoach stop, and a stock watering hole for a native rancher. My friend pointed the way to the actual spring, which I found silted up, with just a damp spot at the base of a shrubby hillock. When I returned to the vehicle, my friend was talking to his nephew, who was out there hunting rabbits with a friend.
In the space of a few decades, the community has overcome huge obstacles to win back a small fraction of their traditional lands from our rapacious and unsustainable imperial society. They freely admit to making mistakes during their long, lonely learning experience. Even gaining control over the private resort within their boundary required a long struggle, but it now represents their main source of income and jobs that gradually attract more far-flung, disenfranchised community members to this developing haven.
With that income and a few hard-won grants and loans, they’ve developed basic infrastructure – government, public works, a health clinic, fitness center and small cultural center – all recent and well-maintained. My friend proudly showed me around their large organic farm, a work in progress where native plants have been tended as cultural and nutritional resources. Then he showed me the head of the lake, where silt from upriver was constantly settling and posing a danger to recreation. He shook his head at the folly of our dominant European society, and recounted a story from one of his elders.
As the downstream dam was being completed by our government and the ancestral farms of his people were being flooded, the lake extended upstream, drowning a vast riparian forest. His elder, who was then a young girl, said she watched as coveys of quail gathered for refuge in the branches of drowned trees, far from the spreading shore, and as the water rose and drove them from the branches, they tried to fly to shore, and fell one by one to drown as their short wings failed them.
Continuing the theme he’d introduced at the desert spring with its petroglyph map, my friend kept musing about deep time, and how different this landscape would’ve looked in much wetter periods of the earth’s history. He freely admitted that his people are recent immigrants from farther north, an archaeological consensus I’d come to doubt.
Leaving him in midafternoon, I drove back through town for gas and headed west toward my mountains and the rendezvous with my camping partner. He was still far away, and expected to arrive after 9pm, long after dark. We agreed to meet in the ghost town just off the stretch of highway which had been closed for years, as the state gradually replaces bridges washed out by flash floods.
The ghost town is on a main railroad line, and when I arrived, trains were passing in opposite directions every 5 minutes, each blowing their horns loudly as they approached the rarely used crossing. I pulled into the abandoned tungsten millsite, an industrial ruin from the 1950s, sparsely surrounded by sprawling, decrepit tamarisk trees and the mostly collapsed ruins of bungalows and post office from a town that had finally died in the 1970s. It was a junky place but would be nicer in the dark. As the sun set, I gradually felt myself shifting my gaze upward to the emerging stars as the stress of preparing and driving was removed from my shoulders. The moon had set in early afternoon, and falling stars were sporadically streaking the cloudless night sky. I realized again how our culture, with its tech obsession and downward focus on screens, deprives us of an accurate worldview and gives us spinal problems and neck pain. And I was grateful for the desert’s liberation from our unhealthy habits.
It had been a long, hot day, and my first desire was to get clean. Among the ruins of the millsite I found a raised wooden platform with an H-frame of pipe overhead and an adjacent lower structure that provided a handy shelf. I’d bought a cheap solar shower bag in Flagstaff, filled and hung it from the frame, and set my hurricane lamp on the shelf along with soap and towel. The engineers of passing trains had a dramatic view of my “sleek, powerful body,” all lit up on stage, but it was total bliss to get clean outdoors in mild weather under the arching canopy of stars.
Still worried about hiking with knee pain, I cracked a beer, ate some snacks, and waited for my younger friend, who eventually arrived around 10pm. Meanwhile, train traffic had decreased to one every 20 minutes or so, but a strong wind had come up. A recently updated forecast suggested we were in for fierce winds during the next 48 hours. This is a typical challenge of desert camping. I’ve had very capable friends who were literally driven out of the desert, in both day and night, by unbearable winds. We quickly agreed to lay out our sleeping bags in the partially ruined assay shed, a sheet metal building with 3 standing walls and a roof, all riddled with bullet holes but adequate as a windbreak.
Unfortunately the sheet metal walls and roof rattled and creaked loudly all night, and the trains continued to blow their horns and shake the ground underneath us, making for sporadic sleep. But we were in our beloved desert, so we woke on Thursday, another cloudless day, with good expectations.
Our first impromptu decision was to visit the major spring in the area, which we’d both heard about but had somehow avoided for decades. It was a straight shot up the alluvial fan from the ghost town, but the road to it turned out to be the most challenging of my entire trip. My vehicle was perfectly adequate, but going was very slow over boulders and washouts. Like most backcountry roads, this is an example of a road that was never built and is never maintained by the authorities – it consists of tracks and tread laid down by “users” – private individuals who drive it, reroute it, and repair it as needed for their own access.
The spring, a true desert oasis in the midst of barren foothills, was a revelation to both of us. A golden eagle soared overhead as we got out and began exploring. The vegetation, from cottonwood and willow trees to thick, incredibly tall cattail thickets and a lot of riparian vegetation I didn’t recognize, was rampant for a long distance up the canyon, and at its head was a true spring, a short overhanging bank out of which water flowed continuously. Miraculous!
We had lunch at our vehicles below the oasis, then headed back south, toward a campsite from which we hoped to hike into the southern end of our mountains, which I’d never explored before. The temperature was mild, probably in the low 70s, but I drive with my windows closed to keep out the dust, and my new vehicle’s high profile means that the big windows let in more solar radiation, turning the entire vehicle into a sweltering hothouse regardless of outside temperatures. I avoided using the air conditioner because my shop had said it was on its last legs and needed major repairs, so before we were halfway to our destination I was drenched with sweat, frustrated and angry. Eventually I stopped, and my friend pointed out that all I had to do was find a way of covering the windows facing the sun. Why hadn’t I figured that out for myself? I used a towel and a dirty t-shirt, and from then on I was okay, but it pointed out a major flaw of my new vehicle.
On the drive up the side road to the basin where we planned to camp, I flushed a mature, classically-colored redtail hawk out of the roadside brush. The wind was really fierce when we arrived in camp, in a broad wash at the foot of a cliff. There was a big stone fire ring, and an incongruous dead, rust-colored Christmas tree and two store-bought wreaths leaning up against the cliff, near where I’d previously found boxes of clay pigeons. Two months till Christmas, and everything dead already – how inconsiderate!
As we began to unpack our gear in the howling wind, the first thing that happened was that a small, colorful bird, which looked to me like a warbler, flew up erratically and landed on my friend’s hand. The poor thing was fluttering and staggering in the wind, and next, as I set up my folding chair and changed into my hiking boots, it zigzagged laboriously over and perched on the back of my chair, behind my left shoulder. Neither of us had ever seen a bird behave like this. My friend was enchanted. I was too, but I also wondered if it were simply disoriented by the wind.
There was enough daylight for a short hike, so after the bird left, we headed north toward a low saddle in a west-trending ridge. There, we discovered a stand of tall milkweed-like plants we’d never seen before on the slopes of these mountains. And at the top, we looked down into a lush, hidden canyon that confused me for a while, until my friend explained that the opposite slope was the main divide between us and the next watershed, where we’d both hiked in the past. The canyon below us was actually a hidden part of the complex basin we were camping in.
Back in camp, I started a fire, using the dead wreaths as kindling, while my friend made salad. I’d brought a couple of whole chicken legs, but with the solar heating in the vehicle, the ice chest hadn’t functioned adequately and I was afraid the meat had spoiled. We both smelled it and it seemed okay, so I started it grilling over my friend’s charcoal, the wind whipping through everything we did.
The salad was excellent, but at my second bite I discovered the chicken was rancid, so it became a meatless dinner. Fortunately I’d also made pilaf, so it wasn’t all fiber!
How to sleep became a real challenge, and I recalled that I’d had wind problems the last time I’d camped here. It was at the end of a long flat space, and the wind was traveling down that corridor unimpeded toward our only sleeping spot. We both made our beds independently, struggling against the gale. Since it wasn’t that chilly, I was optimistic and crawled into my warm-weather bag wearing only underwear and a t-shirt. But I was soon cold enough to pull on thermal top and bottom. And even that wasn’t enough. I sat up and put on my fleece jacket.
And got even colder with the wind rushing over me, drawing away my body heat despite the layers of insulation. So I decided to resort to the tactic I’d learned in survival school, which had worked many times in the past. I got up, raced downwind to the vehicle, and dug out my heavy, military surplus rubberized poncho. I laboriously wrapped that around my sleeping bag and snapped it shut from the inside – it should provide a solid windbreak.
But within minutes, I realized that even that wasn’t enough. The wind was so strong it was actually using the heavy poncho as a sail, to push against me and threaten to turn me over in bed. Now I was really angry! What kind of a camper was I, after decades of camping in this desert, that I couldn’t figure out how to sleep in the wind!
Well, I’d slept in a vehicle’s passenger seat before, as uncomfortable as I knew it would be. I laid some weights on my bed to keep it from blowing away, and went to transfer cargo inside my vehicle so I could recline the passenger seat. Then I unsnapped the poncho, bundled up the sleeping bag, and laid it out inside the Sidekick. At this point I was so pissed off I was ready to give up on the whole trip.
Determined to sleep, I even took a sleeping pill. And it worked.
I ended up getting more than 5 hours of sleep, and in the morning, the wind had begun dying down. When I got out of the vehicle, I saw that my friend had built a low wall of gear boxes around his head, to effectively keep the wind away, and he’d had a good night’s sleep outside as a result. Why hadn’t I thought of that?
We had a long hike planned for this Friday, but we both agreed to move camp first. We would try the abandoned mine, the only other likely campsite in this basin. And by the time we got there, the day was proving to be calm, and completely cloudless yet again.
We parked the vehicles on a ledge high above the basin, not far from a gaping vertical shaft, simply a pit in the ground, that appeared bottomless until your vision adjusted to its shadowy depths. As we packed for our hike and I prepared my foot protection and knee strap, my friend noticed a coyote crossing the foothills below us and checking us out from time to time.
This was a hike I’d dreamed about for years: exploring a “southern passage” between tall outlying ridges, a 5-mile north-south corridor of seemingly level bajada between this basin and the mouth of a southern canyon which held the only known perennial water source in the southern part of the range. It was such a natural walking route that I wondered if we’d find any prehistoric remains.
As it turned out, the first remains we found were more recent – colorful plastic balloons, formerly helium-filled but long deflated, stuck in thorny shrubs, blown from thoughtless and unaccountable family celebrations hundreds of miles away, which my friend gathered into his pack to carry to some urban landfill. These deflated balloons appear more and more in the wild lands of the west, a form of litter that’s mostly out of sight, out of mind as more young people are raised to be strictly urban dwellers, isolated from the consequences of their lifestyle.
We crossed the straight tracks of rodents between hiding and feeding places, encountered the bleached belly plates and shell scales of dead desert tortoises, and the bleached skull fragments of bighorn rams. As we walked gradually uphill to what turned out to be a watershed divide early in the passage, we noticed that while the steep eastern ridge consisted of pale, finely fractured rock, the equally steep western ridge was dark and composed of big, wind-rounded granite boulders and pinnacles, which made it look far more rugged. High among the boulders we saw more of the tall milkweed-like plant we’d discovered the day before.
We were drawn to a section of western slope with boulders hollowed by wind into domed caves, and inside one I found mountain lion scat surrounded by bighorn scat.
We explored a short, winding side canyon which featured spectacular geology and a small “window” rock, unusual in these mountains.
Shortly after that we approached a dramatic, house-sized free-standing boulder, and sure enough, I found a faint petroglyph at its base.
Then we reached the mouth of a big canyon on our right, the head of which was a natural pass between the northern and southern parts of the western ridge. I saw that timewise, we’d reached the halfway point of our hike if we wanted to get back before dark. And getting back before dark had become an obsession with me. I’d ended up hiking and camping in the dark many times in my youth, but I believed that avoiding that was a mark of hard-earned wisdom, and the very idea of finding my way back to camp after dark, over ground that was dangerous to my vulnerable body, made me angry. I told my friend I would start heading back, but as usual he wanted to keep going.
We had only just parted when I heard him yelling, and turned to see him waving me over.
He was standing near the edge of a deep wash, pointing to prehistoric potsherds littering the desert pavement, shards of ceramic with such a glossy red finish that they seemed to have been recently dropped there and broken up. I’d found lots of potsherds in the desert, over a 35-year period, but had never seen such fresh-looking examples. They covered an area of several dozen yards, and all seemed to be from the same pot.
My friend still wanted to hike farther, so I headed back north toward the low divide. Along the way I found faint vehicle tracks and large, glowing patches of golden shortgrass which seemed to be unique to this southern habitat. Passing a bouldery outcrop I encountered a busy flock of small birds, and after trying to photograph them realized they were a mixture of species.
My friend caught up with me about halfway, and we both enjoyed the colors the setting sun painted on the surrounding peaks as we arrived back in camp. My left knee survived the hike pretty well, but I had somehow developed a weird cramp in that thigh – and the long trudges up the loose gravel of the bajada had really fatigued my leg muscles.
I’ve been so proud of my hard-won recovery from disabilities, and my regained capacity for hiking, but part of my recovery has involved retraining myself to protect my chronic foot injury by taking shorter steps. Of course this increases my handicap compared to my much taller – not to mention younger – friend. But in all it was an exhilarating day.
We both showered and started making dinner. I had some fresh sausages to grill and hoped they wouldn’t turn out bad like last night’s chicken. This campsite was much better situated, with a fantastic view in the moonless starlight. The night was totally calm, the sausages we fine, and my friend made delicious salad as usual, while we both enjoyed the frequent flares of meteorites. Finally, an easy night camping!
Something happened midway through the evening that neither of us could explain. While preparing dinner I noticed, out of the corner of my vision, a sharp burst of white light on the western silhouette of the ridge above us. All my friend noticed was a flash of light from somewhere above. All I can imagine is that it was an exploding meteorite, something you hear about but rarely see.
I started Saturday with the unexplained thigh cramp that would hamper me for the next few days, especially while driving and working the clutch. We planned to move camp again to the base of the canyon that featured the perennial spring, beyond the south end of the passage we’d walked Friday. But first I wanted to get some photos inside the mine, which we’d taken a brief look at after dinner the night before. It looked amazing!
This was the first true desert mine system I’d ever been able to explore. Others I’d come across were either vertical shafts with rickety dry-rot ladders, flooded tunnels, low unbraced burrows half-blocked with debris, or dangerous-looking diagonal bores. This began with a solidly-braced tunnel, mostly tall enough for me to walk upright, passing below ventilation shafts that eventually led to a T-intersection. The left side continued to a right turn, where it eventually led to a small chamber that had a bricked-up doorway – some kind of lockable storage room. Inside was a broken folding lounge chair.
The right tunnel led to a vertical shaft going down about 40 feet, with a well-preserved ladder. There appeared to be another tunnel leading off from the bottom. Beyond the shaft our tunnel continued a ways to a cave-in, where there had apparently been another shaft leading to the surface.
It was a clean mine – virtually no trash, nor was there much in the way of artifacts. The floor of the tunnel was cracked from having been flooded by rain draining through the air vents. There was rodent scat everywhere, and I found some weird tiny wings on the floor which my friend identified as grasshopper wings – food for rodents. Then he found two bird nests, deep into the transverse shaft, in an area that received virtually no light. Swallows?
Since I have little interest in mining history or the Anglo exploitation of the West in general, I was surprised that this mine turned out to be one of the most impressive things I experienced on my trip. The fact is, I just love going underground!
We packed up and drove out of the mountains, to another ghost town by a railroad side line where we lunched in an old concrete bunker, one of the few standing structures. From there, around the south end of the mountains past the small, remote salt mining camp, which was inactive that day. Then east and north to our turnoff for the road to the spring. That minimal road, where I’d destroyed one of my truck tires 3 years ago, turned out to be an easy drive to the big wash downstream from the spring, where we decided to set up camp. By then it was mid-afternoon and we both needed shade, so using bungee cords we strung my big new tarp between our roof racks for an impromptu canopy.
We hung out a couple hours, drinking light beer, until we felt like hiking again. The sun was going down and I figured, from my previous map studies, that we had less than a mile to go to the spring. But I was way wrong!
After a mile of walking we were just getting to the mouth of a steep canyon. On the way, our hike had taken a spooky turn when my friend found the severed head of a lizard impaled on the thorn of a bush. I knew it had to be the remains of a meal by a loggerhead shrike, a small but very aggressive bird. I also found parasitic mistletoe growing on a creosote bush, something I’d never noticed before – I’d gone so far as to proclaim to all my desert friends that it only parasitized catclaw acacia in this habitat.
After we entered the canyon things got more apocalyptic. There was some kind of apparently parasitic vine over many of the shrubs – I remembered seeing it in a canyon at similar latitude on the east side of the range. The multicolored, striated and jumbled rock was beautiful, but early on, we came upon the recent skull and skeletal torso of an old bighorn ram, and after that, we encountered a trail of bighorn bones, most of them from lambs, leading all the way up to the spring. And fairly recent bighorn scat everywhere, scattered among the bones. I figured all the mortality was probably from the respiratory epidemic, but had no way of knowing how recent it was. And then there was that lion scat I’d found the previous day, not far from here.
Before we got to our destination, I realized we had gone a mile and a half, the sun had set, and even if we turned back now, we’d probably end up walking over rough, unfamiliar terrain in the dark, struggling to find the right way back on ground that was dangerous for my chronic foot injury. I got angry and began complaining to my friend, who was already far ahead of me, around a bend in the canyon.
When I began to catch up with him he urged me to keep going, and suddenly yelled “There it is!” I looked up and saw a couple of huge camouflage-painted fiberglass tanks, the usual setup installed by the Bighorn Society to maintain game populations for hunting. The canyon was very steep and rocky – it would’ve been beautiful in its natural state – and despite their camouflage, the tanks looked totally out of place.
There was a small metal drinking basin below them, fed via some kind of float valve, and a piping system higher above that fed groundwater from the original spring by gravity down to the tanks. Directly behind the tanks was a stash of equipment used by the Bighorn Society crews. The whole thing was repugnant.
We climbed up and found the original spring had been dammed and was completely silted up, so to get to its water you’d have to dig deep. Now the only water source was artificial.
We began the long hike back to camp, with me complaining angrily along the way, and pushing myself to walk too fast with my short steps. Fortunately we came across an old roadway that we’d missed on the way up, and it gave us a much easier path to camp that turned my attitude around. There was still a bit of light left in the sky when we finally arrived, and I raced to take a shower, with my water bag perched atop the spare tire mounted on the Sidekick’s dusty tailgate, before starting dinner.
My friend made and shared salad as usual, and I simply warmed up a can of chili that I’d picked up on a previous trip. Another calm, cloudless night, but this time I lay in my sleeping bag listening to coyotes calling, a short distance out on the bajada below our camp, while overhead the meteorites continued to streak their brief trajectories.
By Sunday morning we’d been camping out for 3 nights and 2 days. We’d done two fairly short hikes and one longer one, through the passage. But we’d also spent a lot of time driving. I had indicated up front that I was anxious to get to Utah and didn’t want to spend much time in the desert, so we decided to head northeast into Nevada, where we both wanted to explore some wild country that we’d only recently learned about. On the way I could shop for food and other supplies.
It would take more than half a day of driving to get there, and we convoyed and arranged to make frequent stops to reconnoiter. Before we left California I thought of a stop that might be interesting for my friend – a famous petroglyph site in a canyon near the Colorado River – so we detoured over there. It’s an amazing site and we both appreciated the stop, but it left us facing a different route north as the day was coming to an end. My friend had mentioned an interest in the mountains on the Arizona side of the river, so I suggested we spend the night in a campground I’d discovered on top of one of those ranges.
As we’d been driving, the temperature had been dropping and wind had been rising. I hadn’t seen a weather forecast for nearly a week so I had no idea what was happening. It was just our luck.
I did think to buy firewood in Arizona before we reached the mountains. That would turn out to be a true blessing.
As we approached the mountains, I could see a long cloud mass hanging over it, reaching toward the river in the west. It was the first cloud cover I’d seen since leaving home, and would be the only clouds I saw until the last day of my trip, a week and a half later.
The sun was setting as we drove the steep, twisting road to the crest. We found the campground, at aptly named Windy Point, only occupied by one other party, a young couple traveling in a rented RV. The wind and cold were already brutal up there. We quickly set up camp in the most protected site we could find, surrounded by pinyon and juniper, and I started a fire with our new wood. It turned out to be some kind of well-seasoned juniper, cedar, or cypress, smelled great and gave off plenty of heat.
My friend made us a hearty stir-fry with sausage, cabbage, and kale. We enjoyed the fire for a while, then went to bed, where I had a “bedgasm” crawling into my down bag for the first time this year. Seldom have I so appreciated this overstuffed bag, which is normally too hot. But the wind and cold were getting worse, and after a short while I got up to move my cooking basket over, as a windbreak. After that I slept really well.
On Monday I woke to find my one-liter water bottle frozen – only about 2/3 frozen, not frozen solid like I’ve had happen a few times before. The 5-gallon jug still had enough liquid water for making coffee and washing last night’s dishes. I was actually energized by the cold weather and was really glad we’d gone up there. But we were continuing a pattern of long drives, no base camps, and less time for hiking. Today we still had another long drive and shopping to do.
We convoyed off the mountain and drove north to Boulder City, where I planned to shop at Albertson’s. Separating, we came up with different plans for lunch. My friend bought supermarket chicken pieces before I could suggest stopping at a good local taqueria. He ate his chicken bits in his truck while I waited an excessively long time for my fresh tacos. It was another indication of different trip styles. My family and lifelong friends have always approached long camping trips as “road trips” in which spells of camping are interspersed with stops at museums, motels and restaurants along the way. Opportunities to do laundry, restock supplies, and process the experiences in nature. By contrast, my younger friend gets in the mindset that once you start, you should be camping out every night and eating only from your vehicle’s stockpile of groceries.
From Boulder City we paid the exorbitant fee to drive through the federal recreation area and bypass Vegas traffic. It’s an endlessly beautiful drive but a long one, ending back at the Interstate, where we gassed up for our venture into the unknown.
We had both been into these national monuments on the Nevada/Arizona border before, and each visit had whetted our appetites for more. This Monday, we only had time to drive in and quickly find a campsite as the sun was setting again. The site we found was spectacular, but the weather had gotten even colder so there was no opportunity to clean up after the long day. I’d bought decent steaks and grilled them, to accompany more of my friend’s salad. And I felt, more than on previous nights, the hassle of the extra chores I have to do to care for my aging body while camping, and how much harder it seems to be to do everything with my cheap, elderly camping gear. All the doors of my vehicle creaked loudly on their dust-filled hinges and everything was plastered with dust from the back roads. I continued bitching and moaning while we were getting ready for bed.
This site was a few thousand feet lower than last night’s, and despite the increasing cold I was unable to sleep in my over-insulated down bag, going to bed feeling dirty and getting even sweatier, tossing and turning in the confined space. I ended up resorting to another sleeping pill just to salvage a few hours of rest before dawn.
By Tuesday, my friend had gotten a weather forecast on his smart phone. We were at the beginning of a serious cold wave. Everyplace in Utah was heading toward the teens at night. My friend really needed to stop driving and start hiking, and he suggested we head east to find a base camp at lower elevation – hence warmer – in the adjacent national monument, which was terra incognita for me. We could camp there for days and hike off in different directions. He seemed to know exactly where to go and sang its praises, so I packed up and followed his vehicle into new territory.
The first part was driving over a pass that I’d long wanted to see. I was actually more interested in the mountains above the pass, but on our low-elevation agenda we dropped down the other side into a vast basin rimmed by low cliffs in the far distance. Those cliffs were apparently our camping destination.
First, he led me to a sprawling oasis, one of the biggest I’d ever seen in the desert, reaching down a shallow valley surrounded by low, stark volcanic hills. It was incredibly lush with tons of unfamiliar vegetation, including screwbean mesquite, but it was also overrun by burros, and there were tiny tropical fish in the water, probably introduced mosquitofish. Someone had started to build a steel fence to keep out the burros, but they’d abandoned their supplies with the job unfinished and the damage continued.
I also found several examples of honey mesquite burdened with mistletoe, again negating my former belief that it stuck to catclaw acacia, and supporting another friend’s observations in his community by the river.
We hiked through much of the oasis and had lunch there, before continuing deeper into the national monument. Like the canyon with the bighorn drinker, this desert spring was a once-magical place that both impressed me and made me sad.
The next road took us up onto a volcanic plateau, and that’s where things turned really bad for me. As if I hadn’t been having problems all along!
Like me, my younger friend had recently bought an off-road vehicle – in fact, just before the trip, so this was literally his first chance to put it to the test. His was used like mine, but much newer, larger, more expensive, and more capable in some ways. The differences really came into high contrast on these backcountry roads (see video in Part 2).
The road to his proposed campsite was a track over a plateau of embedded volcanic cobbles, and he immediately raced off ahead of me. Meanwhile, my vehicle – with all new shocks and struts and reduced tire pressure – was riding so rough that I had to slow to less than 5 mph to keep from getting shaken apart. Eventually he got so far ahead that he stopped and waited. When I caught up I was totally freaked out. I said it would take me until well after dark to reach camp at this rate, and we all knew how little I liked that.
So he suggested we turn around and re-enter the other monument, where there was a good campsite he knew about a ways to the south, on a good road.
But I misunderstood him, and first, he led me much deeper into the Arizona side, to cross back over to Nevada at a place far from where I expected. He was moving so fast up ahead there was no way I could signal him to stop, so I just followed, shaking my head in frustration. At least this particular road was much smoother than the previous.
When we finally emerged onto another high plateau, I saw his vehicle parked by the road while he explored a small pile of boulders. He said there were several possible camping areas here on the plateau, but they would all be really exposed to wind. The site he had in mind was farther south, off a side road that he claimed was well-graded for passenger vehicles like the vans and big RVs we’d seen yesterday on the way in. Then he raced off again.
Well, the side road turned out to be almost as bad for me as the volcanic cobbles. It ran over dikes of rock and sections of really coarse gravel that threatened to shake my vehicle to pieces, and I finally totally lost my temper. Ignoring my vehicle apocalypse, I sped up and raced after him, bouncing and banging over the rocks and gravel. I caught him just as he was disappearing down another side track toward a big wash, in an area of low, stark volcanic hills with no trees, boulders, or shade of any kind. I honked for him to stop, and we both got out and met halfway between our vehicles. I announced that I was leaving, would head back to town, and probably proceed onward to Utah from there. We hugged, and that was the end of our trip together.
I drove more carefully during the long slog out of the monument, and took the river road up to the nearest town, where there was a Best Western where I could earn points. Near the motel I found a car wash which would be my first stop the next day. I was sore all over and took a pain pill before warming up leftovers in my room and hitting the sack early.