Gardens and gardening:
by James K. Sayre
Annual flower gardening was a big spring and summer activity for me as I was growing up. Nowadays, I am also growing perennials, shrubs and fruit trees, both deciduous and evergreen. I have a partially unweeded garden; I enjoy seeing what Mother Native provides in the way of free plants. Each spring she makes a new and different donation to the flora of my yard. The insects, the spiders and the birds are all part of the natural scene. This links to some of my personal gardening notes and some web links.
Chronicle hype and hysteria about "invasive" plants Hype and hysteria
They call me double-yellow... They call me double yellow...
October's Bright Red Raspberries (with apologies to Helen Hunt Jackson). October's Bright Red Raspberries
Johnny Jump-ups (Viola tricolor) - Violaceae (Violet family) (horticultural entry). Johnny Jump-ups -horticultural entry
Gardening in Rockridge, Oakland, California: links about growing vegetables and herbs. .Rockridge gardening
Slugs: a brief overview: .Slugs: a brief overview
Red Raspberries yield second crop in 2004 in coastal California..Red Raspberries
A little kitchen window sill gardening: window sill gardening
The Early Girl tomato and the Late Girl tomato The Late Girl tomato 31 January 2004.
Staking trees and shrubs? Why do some retail nurseries insist on staking perfectly healthy and free-standing trees and shrubs? Why stake perfectly healthy trees and shrubs?
My childhood gardens, adolescent gardens and young adult gardens.childhood gardens
The Katydid that hitchhiked through the Caldecott Tunnel .The Hitchhiking Katydid Published in the Home & Garden section of the San Francisco Chronicle on 21 August 2004.
Bermuda Buttercups in the winter: .Bermuda Buttercups Bermuda Buttercups essay was published in the Garden section of the San Francisco Chronicle on 29 January 2005.
Using the Himalayan Blackberry bushes (Rubus discolor) to add to home security (the old briarpatch trick) A gardening letter Published in the Saturday California Life Home and Garden section of the Sacramento Bee in the summer of 2003.
How about creating a letters-to-the-editor column in the Garden section of the Contra Costa Times? Garden letters-to-the-editor column? 20 March 2004
Gardening Books and references:
Gardening literature Gardening literature
My four favorite gardening reference books for the curious western gardener: Gardening References
Nature guides for North Americans Nature guides for North Americans
Rating the gardening sections found in San Francisco Bay Area and Northern California newspapers..Rating gardening sections
Scented Geraniums or Pelargoniums Scented Geraniums or Pelargoniums
Backyard ponds: building and maintaining inexpensive backyard ponds. Backyard ponds: building and maintaining inexpensive backyard ponds
Some of my Garden plants described:
Brief descriptions of some plants growing in my garden: Descriptions of some of my garden plants
Blue gum eucalyptus and other eucalyptus information Blue gum eucalyptus
Some interesting volunteer shrubs, climbers and trees have started growing in my backyard in the last two years Volunteer Plants
Some Internet gardening links:
Some west coast arboretums, botanical gardens and horticultural societies Arboretums
California wholesale nurseries: a brief list of links (note: many of these nurseries also sell retail): .California wholesale nurseries : a brief overview
The good Organic Gardening magazine from the past now has a nice comprehensive web site: Organic Gardening
The Garden Web and its many Gardening Forums: The Garden Web
The Garden Watch Dog offers a comprehensive view of purchasing seeds, trees, shrubs, perennials and supplies by mail. Catalogs and companies are rated by consumers. (Note: probably many happy customers do not bother reporting the good products and services which they have received). (especially for the paranoid and/or thrifty mail order shopper) : The Garden Watch Dog
Buying trees by mail order? Excellent value for your money at the Arbor Day Foundation web site. With an introductory ten dollar membership you get your choice of ten free trees: (a) flowering trees (five species), (b) oak trees (five species) or (c) ten Colorado blue spruce trees. They also offer over one hundred varieties of other trees for sale. All you need is some room to plant them! Arbor Day Foundation
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Web page last updated on 18 March 2008.