Johnny Jump-ups (Viola tricolor)
by James K. Sayre
Johnny Jump-ups are cheerful members of the Violet family. As their name suggests, they do often grow and flower in small, unexpected places. Last year, I planted some Red Valerian seeds in a 4 by 4, 16-celled black plastic starter flat. The cells were filled with some garden soil, so a variety of different plants came up, including a Johnny Jump-up. I didn't really notice it at all until it put out a flower in late July, only two months after I had started the Red Valerian planting outside.
This summer, another Johnny Jump-up has bloomed in a one gallon plastic pot that holds a Red-flowered gum seedling. Wonders never cease when you give her a chance to contribute to your gardens.
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Web page last updated on`3 October 2007.