Red Raspberries yield second crop in 2004 season in coastal California.
bu James K. Sayre
In early May, 2003, I purchased a half-dozen rooted red Raspberry cuttings at a church rummage sale. I planted them in my backyard garden and they grew nicely. Evidently, they flowered, for I was able to harvest two red Raspberries in early October.
This year they flowered in early April and yielded some nice red Raspberries in late May and early June. I was a little surprised to see a second set of flowers later this summer followed by a second crop of red Raspberries in late September that ave carried on to October 15tj.
Unfortunately, I have no idea of what particular variety of Red Raspberry that I am growing. This has been my first experience growing Raspberries. I have not been able to find any references in literature or on the internet to Raspberries yielding two crops in one calendar year.
This web page was recently created by James Sayre.
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Web page last updated on 15 October 2004.