Backyard ponds: building and maintaining inexpensive backyard ponds.

By James K. Sayre

Constructing small backyard ponds:

Small backyard ponds are easily constructed and maintained. Actually, one can even create a small vibrant aquatic environment in a barrel or large planter box that has been suitably waterproofed. Water Hyacinths and Duckweed grow very easily in warmer climates in North America. Small Mosquitofish will thrive also, requiring only that the pond/barrel/planter water be treated to neuturalize the toxic chlorine chemicals that have been added by municipal water treatment plants. Instructions can be found in any comprehensive gardening book such as the American Horticultural Society's A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants or the Sunset Western Gardening Book. Also, any good library should have a couple of books on "Water Gardening," "Water Gardens" or "Backyard Ponds."

I was inspired to create a small backyard pond last year from my childhood memories of a neighbor's pond that featured Water Lilies and several large Goldfish. See my notes below: It is very useful and convenient to construct a companion raised planting bed at the same time as dig out your backyard pond. Just remember to save the best topsoil from your diggings to place on the top of your new raised planting bed.

Starting a Water Garden - a letter Starting a Water Garden

My backyard pond - a few notes from Summer, 2002. >My backyard pond - a few notes from Summer, 2002

Backyard pond notes - summer 2003 Backyard pond notes

Some Aquatic plants for backyard ponds Some Aquatic plants for backyard ponds

Water Hyacinth - Eichhornia crassipes Water Hyacinth

The Mosquito Fish (Gambusia affinis) The Mosquito Fish

Avoid the West Nile virus-laden mosquitos by adding Mosquito Fish to your backyard pond. Avoiding the West Nile virus 31 August 2003


Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Please feel free to Email the author at sayresayre@yahoo;com.

This web page was recently created by James Sayre.

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Copyright 2003 by Bottlebrush Press. All Rights Reserved.

Web page last updated on 31 August 2003.