Why do the members of dominant societies talk and act the way they do?
We dominant Anglo-Europeans have knowledge and beliefs about the world and our society, constituting what may be called our worldview, but the only "objective" way to know about this is to observe how people behave, and listen to their speech – in other words, our public discourse. What sort of worldview is revealed in our dominant behavior patterns and in our public discourse? |
Dominant View of Time & History
What do we say about time?
Cosmology & History of the Universe
Geology & History of the Earth
Evolution of Life
Judeo-Christian Tradition
Creation of the World, Adam & Eve, Moses & the Ten Commandments, Jesus & Christianity, Catholicism, Protestantism
History of Civilization: Innovation & Progress
How do we change over time?
The Clock
Daily Routine, Time Management & Multitasking
The Week
Work & School
The Calendar
Work, School, Vacations & Holidays
Life Cycle & Family History, Bettering Ourselves
- Childhood: Play, Education, Identity & Sex
- Adulthood: Careers & Competition, Mating
- Family: Parenting & Childrearing, Communications, Mobility & Distant Family
- Old Age: Retirement & Death
Dominant View of the World
What do we say about the world?
Anglo-Europeans believe that their environment is the entire Universe, which they have studied and described using their scientific technologies.
Invisible Building Blocks
Mechanism & Reductionism: Physics & Chemistry, Matter & Energy, Earth Science, Climate Science
Life on Earth
Mechanism & Reductionism: Amino acids, DNA, genes, cells, organs, organisms, kingdoms, phyla, genera, species, etc.
Human Societies
Anthropology & Sociology: Measuring everyone else by our standards
Anthropocentrism: In His Image, Dominion Over All the Earth
Heaven & Hell
Space: The Final Frontier
Cosmology & Astrophysics
Geography of the World
Geopolitics: Nations, Natural Resources, Empire (Political, Economic, Military, Cultural, etc.)
Geography of Our Country
The Nation (Hierarchy, Cities, Infrastructure, Mobility & Distant Family, Nature & the Environment)
How do we use the world?
Anglo-Europeans occupy Europe, North and South America, and Australia/New Zealand. Their military, financial and industrial installations can be found in virtually every other nation.
The Control of Nature
Science & Technology, Industry, Engineered Environments
- Like all dominant societies, Anglo-Europeans grow, achieve, and maintain their dominance by engineering their environments, and the environments of those they dominate economically or politically, transforming natural habitat into a machine whose sole function is to meet human needs. This is their primary ecological role.
- Regardless of where they live, and regardless of the resources offered by local habitat, Anglo-Europeans subsist on a small collection of naturally-derived consumer products (wheat, corn, soybeans, chicken, pork, beef, cotton, wool, etc.) that can be industrially mass-produced and transported to all corners of their world.
- Infrastructure: Basic Industries, Distribution Networks, Transportation Networks, Communications Networks
Urbanism: Cities & Housing Units
Mobility: Business & Pleasure
Politics & Business: Military & Economic Empires |
Dominant View of Society
What do we say about each other?
Social Structure & Institutions
Institutions of Society
Government (Democracy), Infrastructure, Economy/Finance/Business/Industry (Capitalism & Free Enterprise), Education, Communications Media & Celebrities, Science & Technology, Healthcare, Sports & Recreation, Religion, etc
Political Hierarchy
National, regional, urban
Economic Hierarchy
The rich & powerful, the middle class, the poor
Social & Cultural Hierarchy
Competition, celebrities & heroes: bigger is better
The World
Foreigners, War, Disasters, Immigration, Tourism, etc.
Values & Priorities
How do we interact with each other?
Group Roles & Relationships
Social Needs:
- Skill, information, knowledge, wisdom
- Companionship, affection, love, emotional support
- Sex
- Healthcare, healing
- Order, justice, security, stability
- Maternal care
- Child care
- Elder care
- etc.
The City
Work, School, Shopping & Recreation
Social Networks
Family, Neighbors, Peer Groups & Subcultures
Social Technology
Jobs & Careers, Competition & Economic Hierarchy, Stock Market, Unemployment, Inflation, Interest Rates, etc.
Social Control
Government (Executive, Legislative, Judicial, Security & Defense, etc.)
Christianity: the Ten Commandments, Sin & Hell
Neighbor Relationships
The World: Geopolitics (Nations, Empires, Military Presence, Wars), Global Finance, Business & Trade, Foreign Aid & Disasters, Tourism.
Dominant Values & Priorities
See notes 3/24
- Individual vs. Society: Individualism
- Individual Values: (Universal vs. Particular) Wealth, Comfort, Convenience, Speed, Power, etc.
- Social Values: Individualism, Economic Growth, Democracy, Personal Freedom, Competition, Exploration, Coercion, etc.
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