The original daily rant:

Mr. Know-it-all's daily, weekly and monthly rants: some of my essays and letters-to-the-editor.

by James K. Sayre

"The truth shall make you free" - The Bible, New Testament, St. John.

"Common Sense" - Thomas Paine, 1776, title of an American revolutionary war pamphlet (self-published!).

"Speak the truth to power" - 1960s slogan.

"If I ran the circus" - Dr. Seuss story line

"You never miss the water 'til the well runs dry..." - ancient proverb.

The Twelve Days of Halliburtonmas The Twelve Days of Halliburtonmas 15 December 2003. Published in The Montclarion, 12/19/03 and published in the Berkeley Daily Planet on 26 December 2004.

The San Jose Mercury News has actually used the term "illegal immigrant" in a front page headline: miracles can still happen, even in the land o' P. C. Illegal immigrants: Even the San Jose Mercury can say these words together 2 December 2003.

Pit bull attacks S. F. police horse Police horse attacked by off-leash pit bull in S. F. 24 November 2003.

99 Quick and Easy ways to get out of Iraq 99 Easy ways to get out of Iraq 13 November 2003. Published in, 12/5/03.

Is Diebold Elections Systems Inc., a big Bush supporter, rigging our new computerized elections software systems to throw the elections to Bush and the Republicans? Diebold vs. Democracy 10 November 2003.

How not to bring democracy to Iraq: Bush in Iraq has it all wrong as usual. How not to bring democracy to Iraq 7 November 2003.

"Old Men with Ponytails. Baffling." - a sexist, ageist and generally offensive billboard by Washington Mutual Bank Old Men with Ponytails 6 November 2003. The offending billboard was removed a few days later.

Blue Gum Eucalyptus forests in the East Bay, Northern California threatened with logging.. Blue Gum Logging 27 October 2003.

Pirate FM radio can be easily broadcast on the internet.. Pirate FM radio can be easily broadcast on the internet 21 October 2003. However, I did enjoy hearing the over-the-air broadcasting of "Pirate Cat" radio station at 87.90 FM with a strong clear signal in the San Francisco Bay Area. (note: 8/04: it seems to be gone now).

BOSS - another Berkeley boondoggle. BOSS-another Berkeley boondoogle 21 October 2003. Letter published in the Berkeley Daily Planet.

Tightened U. S. immigration policies are not holding back "Arab progress".. Arab Progress 20 October 2003.

Bush's war crimes in Iraq vs. local street crime in Oakland, California.. Bush's war crimes in Iraq vs. local street crime in Oakland, California 19 October 2003.

Chips ahoy, matey: the coming invasion of the RFIDs. Chips ahoy, matey 12 October 2003. Published in the Berkeley Daily Planet, October 17, 2003.

U. S. Fish and Game Service approve of massive destruction of Blue Gum Eucalyptus forests in San Francisco Presidio Park in vain attempt to recreate PreColumbian flora (mostly large shifting sanddunes). Eucalyptus trees to be destroyed in S. F. park 8 October 2003. (edited version published in the San Francisco Chronicle, 9 October 2003).

Four leading candidates in the California recall debate have just appeared to chicken out on facing Arnold Schwarzenegger in a free-for-all format scheduled for Sacramento on September 24th. Four debate chickens 19 September 2003.

General Wesley Clark, the latest candidate to enter the race for the Democratic nomination for President, seems to be another neocolonial imperialist apologist along the lines of Senators Lieberman and Kerry. Genera Wesley Clarks 19 September 2003.

Bring 'em on in - In a bad move, California's Governor Gray Davis signs a bill to allow illegal aliens to get driver's licenses. Bring 'em on in 6 September 2003.

Noise, Traffic and Light at UC Memorial Stadium in Berkeley, California. UC Memorial Stadium 2 September 2003. Published in the Berkeley Daily Planet on 5 September 2003.

Avoid the West Nile virus-laden mosquitos by adding Mosquito Fish to your backyard pond. Avoiding the West Nile virus 31 August 2003

Senator Feinstein is quite hypocritical complaining about Arnold Schwarzenegger's "violent" movies after she voted to allow Bush to invade and occupy Iraq: a criminal action which resulted in the murders of thousands of Iraqis. Senator Feinstein's hyprocisy about violence 22 August 2003

Why is the California State Government subsidizing the distribution of the Segway electric scooters? Is Sacramento in the Segway business? 22 August 2003

Chickadees at Crystal Springs Watershed in San Mateo County and in my backyard Chickadees at Crystal Springs 22 August 2003

Senator Dianne Feinstein is way off the mark with her recent "deeply flawed"comments on the California recall election laws. Feinstein off the mark 22 August 2003

The "GOP power grab" assertion of Governor Gray Davis is laughable. Laughable Davis assertion 20 August 2003

Utility rate payers need partial ownership of private electric utilities if they are going to foot the bill for electric grid upgrading and improvement. partial ownership 18 August 2003

NERC needs you: did you miss making the cut to qualify as a candidate for the coming California recall election scheduled for 7 October 2003? Maybe you should consider applying to become one of the Independent Trustees of the North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC). NERC, which is headquartered in Princeton, New Jersey, is seeking new Independent Trustee candidates for its Board of Trustees. NERC needs you 17 August 2003

The Los Altos School District Superintendent interfered in the coming Los Altos School Board election and she ought to resign immediately. School Superintendent should resign immediately 17 August 2003.

If you like Governor Gray Davis, you'll love Lt. Governor Cruz Bustamante. Lt. Governor Bustamante 16 August 2003

The recent massive electricity blackout experienced in New York City, the Northeast and Ontario, Canada, may give a brief taste to millions of North Americans of the 24/7 misery that Bush has unleashed in Iraq with his invasion and continuing occupation of that country. Bush has created a hell-hole in Iraq 14 August 2003 Later published in the Berkeley Daily Planet.

2000 Election spoiler Ralph Nader supports Green Party Peter Camejo's recall bid. Nader supports Camejo 13 August 2003

Recall candidate Peter Camejo supported reparations in the California Governor's race in 2002. Camejo supported reparations 13 August 2003

Arnold Schwarzenegger is a breath of fresh air when he says that he likes paying taxes. Arnold Schwarzenegger is a breath of fresh air when he says that he likes paying taxes 12 August 2003

Are Californians smart enough to be able to vote in the coming recall election? Voting in the recall election 12 August 2003

Speak for yourself Mr. Bush: Bush is trying to share his guilt for war crmies and the murder of thousands of Iraqi citizens in his invasion and occupation of Iraq with his "We are all sinners" remark at a recent White House Rose Garden press conference. Speak for yourself, Mr. Bush 11 August 2003

Publicly funded elections in California to replace present corrupt system of funding by big money special interests. Publicly funded elections 11 August 2003. Published in the Contra Costa Times 17 August 2003.

The eight hundred dollar replacement trees at UC Berkeley 800 dollar trees at UC 11 August 2003 (note: no reply to date as of 8/04).

Bush is still lying about Iraq Bush is still lying about Iraq 10 August 2003

Brilliant Gore Speech on the deceptiveness of Bush Brilliant Gore speech 8 August 2003

I met a million dollar crybaby in a five and ten cent California recall race. $1,000,000 crybaby 8 August 2003

Cheney and Bush may be deluded in their dream that the coming recall of Governor Gray Davis is somehow a plus for them. Cheney and Bush may be deluded 6 August 2003

So the national AFL-CIO labor unions are going to finance and back their corrupted California Governor Gray Davis. Great news. AFL-CIO unions support Davis 6 August 2003

Replacing the imperialist warmongering Bush with an imperialist warmongering Lieberman would not be much of an improvement. Lieberman 5 August 2003

Is the San Francisco Chronicle trying to oppose the Davis recall election? Chronicle on recall 5 August 2003

Gray Davis is like the proverbial bad penny The proverbial bad penny 4 August 2003

A mild critique of new DMV plans for the screening and testing of older drivers. New DMV driver's tests 3 August 2003

Consider boycotting Dutch consumer goods for the Dutch government's military support for the U. S. and British imperial occupation of Iraq. Consider boycotting Dutch consumer goods 2 August 2003

The bullying Clear Channel Corporation, is attempting to blackmail the City of Oakland into allowing it to place giant billboards next to downtown freeways. the bullying Clear Channel Corporation 1 August 2003

Chicken Little is right, the sky is falling with the California recall election looming in the near future Chicken Little is right 1 August 2003

Can the Oakland Tribune give us an accurate weather forecast for Oakland? Oakland weather forecast? 1 August 2003

Seventeen characteristics that proto-fascist, pro-fascist and fascist regimes have in common 17 Traits of fascist regimes 30 July 2003

Dr. John Poindexter may be completely insane, who knows for sure? Dr. John Poindexter may be completely insane, who knows for sure? 29 July 2003

Online thieves attempt to avoid copyright infringment litigation Online thieves attempt to avoid copyright infringment litigation 25 July 2003

Patriotic Iraqi opposition to British and American Occupation of their Country. Patriotic Iraqi opposition to British and American Occupation of their Country 27 July 2003

A recipe for ruining Yosemite? A recipe for ruining Yosemite? 25 July 2003

Catching up with the music theftsters of the Internet Catching up with the music theftsters of the Internet 25 July 2003

The self-serving little trial balloon of Cruz Bustamante, California's Lieutenant Governor, was shot down in flames. >The self-serving little trial balloon of Cruz Bustamante 25 July 2003

The sky is falling; the sky is falling... The sky is falling; the sky is falling 23 July 2003

Bush's "Mistakes" Bush's "Mistakes" 22 July 2003

Dates: the real reason that Bush invaded Iraq: dates. Dates: the real reason that Bush invaded Iraq: dates 22 July 2003

Tragic Santa Monica, California automobile accident: what should be done Tragic Santa Monica, California automobile accident: what should be done 17 July 2003

Reinvading Iraq. Reinvading Iraq 17 July 2003

Darned good. Darned good 17 July 2003

Tilting at broken windmills is a hard-fought Berkeley tradition. Tilting at broken windmills is a hard-fought Berkeley tradition 17 July 2003 (published in the Berkeley Daily Planet on 22 July 2003).

Oakland Tribune Editorial glosses over the monumental Bush lies about Iraq. Oakland Tribune Editorial glosses over the monumental Bush lies about Iraq 15 July 2003

A picture is worth ten thousand words A picture is worth ten thousand words 14 July 2003.

This is the Eve of Bush self-destruction. This is the Eve of Bush self-destruction 14 July 2003

Senator John Kerry (D - Massachusetts) wants try to drag in U. S. "allies" in NATO and elsewhere to try to bail out the failed Bush imperial invasion of Iraq. Brilliant. Senator John Kerry wants try to drag in U. S. "allies" in NATO and elsewhere to try to bail out the failed Bush imperial invasion of Iraq 11 July 2003

What is the Bush Adminstration trying to cover up about 9/11? What is the Bush Adminstration trying to cover up about 9/11? 10 July 2003 (Published in the Oakland Tribune, 17 July 2003). Also published in the Contra Costa Times, July, 2003.

The present Bush regime is toast. The present Bush regime is toast 6 July 2003

Maybe the Iraqis want to be independent too. Maybe the Iraqis want to be independent too 3 July 2003

Darrell Issa can dish it out, but he can't take it. Darrell Issa can dish it out, but he can't take it 2 July 2003

The Republicans in Florida 2000. The Republicans in Florida 2000 30 June 2003

Why exactly did Darrell Issa become the auto alarm king? Why exactly did Darrell Issa become the auto alarm king? 26 June 2003

Dollarocracy vs. corporate corruption of democracy in California: the Davis recall election. Dollarocracy vs. corporate corruption of democracy in California: the Davis recall election. 18 June 2003

Picking news commentators and government representatives by random lottery: it would certainly be more democratic than our present system of corporate corruption of elections Picking news commentators and government representatives by random lottery 3 June 2003

Bashing Bush. Bashing Bush 28 May 2003

George Washington smoked pot or decriminalize Marijuana George Washington smoked pot or decriminalize Marijuana 25 May 2003.

Hey friend, have you joined the Bush Excuse-of-the-Month Club yet? Hey friend, have you joined the Bush Excuse-of-the-Month Club yet? 8 February 2003. Published in the Contra Costa Times, Feb. 2003.

Segways in the morning, segways in the evening, segways at supper time Segways in the morning, segways in the evening, segways at supper time 25 January 2003 (a very edited version of this long letter was published in the Circuits Section of The New York Times in February, 2003. It was the lead letter.).

The twelve days of Bushmas (2002) The twelve days of Bushmas (2002) 19 December 2002

Snug as a bug in a police state rug Snug as a bug in a police state rug 22 November 2002.

Bicyclists sharing the road? Bicyclists sharing the road? 2002.

Bicyclists Obeying the Traffic Laws Week Bicyclists Obeying the Traffic Laws Week 20 March 2002. Published in the Berkeley Daily Planet, March 2002.

The Twelve Months of Bush (2001) The Twelve Months of Bush 17 December 2001

We Two Microsofts of Redmond are We Two Microsofts of Redmond are 19 May 2000

The Twelve Days of Y2K (1999) The Twelve Days of Y2K 27 December 1999. Published in the San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 1999.

Toll Booths from Sea to Shining Sea Toll Booths from Sea to Shining Sea 1997

Cheap motel owners' tricks. Cheap motel owners' tricks 29 March 1997 and 6 July 2003

Redwood City doesn't have to look very far to adopt a Mexican sister-city: try the unicorporated Fair Oaks District just next door for starters. Redwood City's sister-city: a suggestion 28 February 1995





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Web page last updated on 30 December 2004.