The recent massive electricity blackout experienced in New York City, the Northeast and Ontario, Canada, may give a brief taste to millions of North Americans of the 24/7 misery that Bush has unleashed in Iraq with his invasion and continuing occupation of that country.

To the Editor:

The recent massive electricity blackout experienced in New York City, the Northeast and Ontario, Canada, may give a brief taste to millions of North Americans of the 24/7 misery that Bush has unleashed in Iraq with his invasion and continuing occupation of that country. Bush has managed to turn Baghdad, Basrah and other Iraqi cities into living hell-holes. Most every day, we hear about the awful summer desert heat, the lack of air-conditioning, the lack of electrical power, the lack of water and the lack of personal security. Even the supposed "democracy, ""freedom" and "liberation" that Bush has trumpeted are all hollow shells at best.

Bush's recent upbeat assessment of the Iraqi situation is as phony as his several stated lies about why we had to invade Iraq in the first place. For daily updates on the miserable situation in Iraq, please check the new website,

Yours truly,


James K. Sayre


14 August 2003