The twelve days of Bushmas, by James K. Sayre, 12/19/02
On the twelfth day of Bushmas, my true government gave to me: twelve snoopers asnoopin'.
On the eleventh day of Bushmas, my true government gave to me: eleven polluters apollutin'.
On the tenth day of Bushmas, my true government gave to me: ten faith-healers afunded'.
On the ninth day of Bushmas, my true government gave to me: nine CEOs astealin'.
On the 8th day of Bushmas, my true government gave to me: eight warmongers awarmongerin'.
On the seven day of Bushmas, my true government gave to me: seven segregationists a-apologizin'.
On the sixth day of Bushmas, my true government gave to me: six sabers arattlin'.
On the 5th day of Bushmas, my true government gave to me: five golden tax cuts.
On the 4th day of Bushmas, my true government gave to me: four calling telemarketers.
On the 3th day of Bushmas, my true government gave to me: three French spams.
On the second day of Bushmas, my true government gave to me: two peace doves.
On the first day of Bushmas, my true government gave
to me: a missile interceptor in an Alaskan pine tree.