The Twelve Months of Bush

by James K. Sayre, 2001


On the twelfth month of Bush, my President gave to me, twelve terrorists a-terrorizing

On the eleventh month of Bush, my President gave to me, eleven B52s a-bombing

On the tenth month of Bush, my President gave to me, ten Talibans a-banning

On the ninth month of Bush, my President gave to me, nine Supremes a-appointing

On the eighth month of Bush, my President gave to me, eight stock indexes a-crashing

On the seventh month of Bush, my President gave to me, seven Cheneys a-cloning

On the sixth month of Bush, my President gave to me, six tribunals a-judging

On the fifth month of Bush, my President gave to me, five golden tax cuts

On the fourth month of Bush, my President gave to me, four sleeper cells

On the third month of Bush, my President gave to me, three French spores

On the second month of Bush, my President gave to me, two peacenik doves

On the first month of Bush, my President gave to me, a traitor in a 'Ghan tree.