The new daily rant:

My daily, weekly and monthly rants: some of my essays and letters-to-the-editor.

by James K. Sayre

"Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream, ...., life is but a dream." - old folk song

"The truth shall make you free" - The Bible, New Testament, St. John.

"Common Sense" - Thomas Paine, 1776, title of an American revolutionary war pamphlet (self-published!).

"Speak the truth to power" - 1960s slogan.

"If I ran the circus" - Dr. Seuss story line

"You never miss the water 'til the well runs dry..." - ancient proverb.

"We can be heroes, just for one day" - David Bowie

AC Transit Mess: the $450,000,000 BRT delusion of grandeur meets the $10,000,000 annual operating budget deficit. Oops. As Gary Larson's brilliant cartoons used to say, "trouble ahead..."

The AC Transit Mess


Is President Obama going "all the way with LBJ?" Is Obama going "all the way with LBJ?"

The Little Christmas Tree that almost didn't get to celebrate Christmas The Little Christmas tree

City of Oakland blight regulations violate our Constitution Hands off our Dandelions and Blackberry Patches

South Ossetia, Georgia and Russia: a background primer. South Ossetia, Georgia and Russia

Americans to Defeat Goldwater - a few historical notes Americans to Defeat Goldwater

The City of Oakland has fined a resident $951 for leaving her garbage can on the street $951 fine for garbage can left on Oakland Street

Hands off our 100-watt light bulbs Hands off our light bulbs

The decline of news and the rise of right-wing corporate propaganda in the mainstream media. The decline of news

Is the Contra Costa Times covering up for the Bush criminals? . Ending Contra Costa Times coverups of Bush criminals

The new polyethylene-covered plastic-coated city park in Clayton, California the polyethylene plastic park in Clayton, CA

Disarm Cheney. Ending our national nightmare: disarm cheney

Disarm Bush. Ending our national nightmare: disarm bush

Arm the Texas Bobwhite Quail (Colinus virginianus). Ending our national nightmare arm the Texas Bobwhite Quail

Ending our national nightmare of illegitimate rule by the Bush-Cheney regime. Ending our national nightmare
The December 26, 2005 story in the San Francisco Chronicle, "Wine country casualties," that detailed the hired killing of four Black Bears by the owners of the Aetna Springs Vineyard in Pope Valley, Napa County revealed the shameful practice of killing wildlife of some North Bay wineries and their owners. Wildlife killing wineries
Boycott wines produced by bear-killing vineyards in California. . Boycott bear-killing vineyards

Bush crowns himself King. Bush crowns himself King

Merry Christmas from UC. Merry Christmas from UC published in the special winter Readers Contributions issue of the Berkeley Daily Planet on 26 December 2005.
A possible solution to the problem of time-shifting and losing sleep every six months with the coming and going of Daylight Savings Time. : Ending daylight savings switchover blues
Representative Pombo is trying to do a kind of reverse Noah's Ark, a Pombo's Ark, where the endangered species are thrown overboard two-by-two. Pombo's reverse Noah's Ark
Mr. Bush, take a little personal responsibility for the horrendous messes that you have made and resign. And take Mr. Cheney and the whole idiotic neoconical gang with you. Bush should resign now Published in The Oakland Tribune on 20 September 2005.
The Bush flooding of New Orleans: an unnatural disaster. Bush flood Published in The Berkeley Daily Planet on 20 September 2005.
Love Iraqis. Love Iraqis
The Bush regime has rigged the proposed Iraqi constitution by embedding 100 Orders in it that allow U. S. corporations to control and steal Iraq's vast oil reserves and to run the rest of the Iraqi economy for their own private benefit. It requires that all Iraqi farmers to buy their seeds from the likes of Monsanto Corporation: what an awful insult to the Fertile Crescent, where farming began several thousand years ago... Bush rigged Iraq Constitution Published in the Berkeley Daily Planet on 6 September 2005.
Al Gore's new Current TV cable/satellite channel has been on the air for over three weeks now and it is boring, repetitive and is a truly vile addition to the wrteched vast wasteland world of television. vile Current TV
President Sheehan. President Cindy Sheehan. It has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? In her growing peace movement, currently centered in Crawford, Texas, she has shown great qualities of leadership, exhibiting courage, dedication, intelligence, humanism and clear thinking in her unflagging efforts to bring our troops home from Iraq. Cindy Sheehan would make an excellent President. President Sheehan
President Cindy Sheehan. President Sheehan. What more could Americans want in a President? She's smart, courageous, thoughtful and humanistic. She wants to bring home our American troops from Iraq now. She has called for the Impeachment of President Bush. Cindy Sheehan says that we can end the threat of terrorism by withdrawing American troops from Iraq and getting the Israelis to withdraw from Palestine. President Cindy Sheehan A shorter earlier version of this letter wasn ublished on 19 August 2005 in the Berkeley Daily Planet.
An open letter to MSNBC TV telling them to dump the vicious vile bow-tied Tucker Carlson show. Dump Tucker
Modern industrial windmills are just bird-killing and bat-killing machines. Windmills Published on 14 August 2005 in the Contra Costa Times.
Picture-perfect oursourcing of American jobs to third-world overseas locations. : Picture-perfect job outsourcing
100 cheap and easy ways to get out of Iraq : 100 ways out of Iraq
The Sunday San Jose Mercury News is serving up another giant load of corporate baloney with its recent lead story, "All exit strategies for Iraq carry risks" (poltical risks to the fascist Bush crime family, that is...) (The Mercury News, 10 July 2005). : San Jose Mercury News baloney about Iraq
Judith Miller is a war criminal who belongs in jail, along with Rove, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Bush and the rest of their gang, et al. : Judith Miller is a war criminal Published on 12 July 2005 in the Berkeley Daily Planet.
Establishing Museums of Corporate Greed : Museums of Corporate Greed
Nominate President Bill Clinton for the Supreme Court vacancy. : Nominate President Clinton for the Supreme Court
The corporate media need to start reporting the truth about how our CIA overthrew the democratic government of Iran in 1953 and replaced it with the Shah dictatorship. : CIA-Shah dictatorship
The U.S. CIA overthrew the democracy of Iran in 1953 and replaced it with the Shah dictatorship. : Iran democracry vs. CIA
Sierra Club clueless about coming peak oil problems: Sierra Club Clueless
Five of the Ten Commandments are violated daily by the Bush gang : The Ten Commandments
Impeaching Bush for Dummies: A Useful Reference Manual for the BEST OF US. : Impeaching Bush for Dummies
The Shrinking San Jose Mercury News Shrinking Mercury News
Protecting Barred Owls from the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Plan to kill them Protecting Barred Owls Published in the Berkeley Daily Planet on 28 June 2005. Published in The Montclarion on 8 July 2005.
Dangle a couple of strings of Tibetan prayer flags from your monster house and everything will be groovy, man. Tibetan prayers for monster houses?
Killing Barred Owls (Strix varia) to allegedly protect habitat of their closely-related cousins, the Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis) is a bad idea. Killing Barred Owls?
The San Francisco Comical, oh, excuse me, the San Francisco Chronicle, which purports to be reporting the news on a daily basis, reached a new low of taboid-level fluff with its massive front page story about some Indian woman guru who doles out her hugs to hordes of her starry-eyed followers (The Chronicle, 15 June 2005). Meanwhile important stories about ongoing Bush lies, ongoing Bush war crimes and the growing GOP corporate fascist mentality go unreported or merely under-reported. Chronicle coverups of Bush crimes
The good news is that by 2050 AD global warming will just be a memory because we will have burned up virtually all of the oil. The bad news is that we will have burned up virtually all of the oil. Life after the oil crash
It will be a beautiful Peach of an Impeachment: the coming Impeachment, Trial, Conviction and Removal from Office of President Bush and Vice President Cheney for their High Crimes and Misdemeanors against the American people and the United States Constitution. The coming Bush impeachment Published in The Montclarion on 17 June 2005. Also published in the Berkeley Daily Planet in June, 2005.
Some of the follies of trying to eat only locally-grown food. Locally-grown food follies
Google Inc. violating U. S. copyright law with its scanning of university library book holdings Google copyright violations Published in The Montclarion on 27 May 2005.
Why doesn't Bush apologize for the actions of his grandfather, Prescott Bush, and his great-grandfather, George Herbert Walker, in their longtime support, financing and trading with the German Nazi movement in the 1930s and the 1940s. Bush apology for family support of German Nazis?
Sighting of The Ivory-billed Woodpecker (Campephilus principalis) Ivory-billed Woodpecker Published in The Montclarion and the Berkeley Daily Planet in May 2005.
America has destroyed democracy in other countries America has destroyed democracy in other countries Published in The Montclarion on 10 June 2005.
The recent proposal to tax drivers by vehicle mileage is much more pernicious than was indicated by recent letters protesting the idea outlined in your recent article, "Hybrids could pay more gas tax," (The Chronicle, April 20). Roman Pernicious vehicle mileage tax
A brief history of the Roman Catholic Church (200 AD to 2005 AD). Roman Catholic Church history
A critique of a critique: Part 2: Al Gore's latest brainstorm, the coming "Current" cable television news/culture network, which is scheduled to debut on August 1, 2005, may turn out to be just another bump in the road in the increasingly irrelevant corporate mainstream media. Part 2: Al Gore Current TV Published on 15 April 2005 in the Berkeley Daily Planet.
The search for the Texas Artesian Well of Eternal Fascism: Where exactly in the great State of Texas is the Artesian Well of Eternal Fascism located? Artesian Well of Eternal Fascism
So some uptight anti-woman anti-sex christo-fascist American Taliban male busybodies masquerading as pharmacists now have decided that they will no longer prescribe birth-control pills, morning-after pills or other contraceptives because it would violate their own "personal moral codes?" Fa, fa, fa, Fascist Pharmacists Published on 29 April 2005 in The Montclarion.
The search for the Florida Fountain of Eternal Fascism: Where exactly in the great State of Florida is the Fountain of Eternal Fascism located? Fountain of Eternal Fascism
Al Gore's latest brainstorm, the coming "Current" cable television news/culture network, which is scheduled to debut on August 1, 2005, may turn out to be just another bump in the road in the increasingly irrelevant corporate mainstream media. Al Gore Current TV Published on 8 April 2005 in the Berkeley Daily Planet. Published on 15 April 2005 in The Montclarion.
The San Francisco Chronicle editorializes in support of file-sharing theft of copyrighted materials over the Internet. : Chronicle supports theft
The illegitimate bush regime is collapsing in slow-motion on a day-by-day basis now: the whole phony edifice may come crashing down to the ground any day now. : Illegitimate bush regime 23 March 2005. Published on 25 March 2005 in The Montclarion and in the Berkeley Daily Planet.
Help petition Clariol Corporation for the return of the original classic dark green Herbal Essence Shampoo original Herbal Essence Shampoo
Illegal theft and unauthorized distribution of DVDs blocked by new "Broadcast Flag" technology. : DVD theft and copying
Social Security numbers and identity theft: Social Security numbers and identity theft

The corporate baloney Sunday editorial writers at the San Francisco Chronicle keep on tossing out stories, about how there may have been some irregularities in the November 2004 Presidential election, some votes were not counted, but hey, no system is perfect... but certainly Bush did not resteal the election. Chron coverup of Bush stolen election goes on and on...
Slap a "Keep Tahoe Blue" bumper strip on the back of your new SUV and fancy yourself as an "environmentalist" or "groovy." : Keep Tahoe Blue
The City of Oakland will be reconsidering it previous tight ban on the use of herbicides within city limits to accommodate the demand by Council Member Jean Quan for the spraying of herbicides in hill parklands as a fire prevention measure. : Oaklamd Herbicides
FDR stopped Bush's grandfather, Prescott Bush, and Bush's great-grandfather, George Herbert Walker, from doing any further business with Nazi Germany in 1942 by invoking the "Trading with the Enemy Act." Prescott Bush: Published in The Montclarion on 11 February 2005 and also in the Berkeley Daily Planet on 11 February 2005.
A link to an obscure little treasure found recently at a thrift shop: Guide to Idaho Birds, or Idaho Birds: Spot 'em, watch 'em, shoot 'em, smoke 'em, cook 'em and eat 'em: Idaho Birds:
The creationist biologists now have their cross-hairs aimed at the fallow deer and the axis deer currently living in the Point Reyes National Seashore. Creationist federal biologists aim at fallow deer and axis deer at Point Reyes 4 February 2005
A critique of the San Francisco-based Media Alliance Organization. The Media Alliance 31 January 2005
The Voter's Internet Party. The Voter's Internet Party 26 January 2005 Pubished in The Berkeley Daily Planet on 18 February 2005.
There is no real need for the City of Oakland to restart spraying toxic herbicides in parklands in the hills. The Blue Gum Eucalyptus trees do not present any real danger to Oakland residents living near the hills. Stop Oakland herbicides 25 January 2005 Published in The Montclarion on 28 January 2005.

We need to stage thousands of 21st century versions of the revolutionary 1773 Boston Tea Party across America by dumping all the electronic computerized voting machines and electronic computerized vote tabulating machines into the nearest body of water. Return to the use of traditional hand-counted paper ballots in all future elections to restore our American democracy. As long as there are electronic, computerized voting machines and electronic computerized vote tabulating machines, there will Republican thugs, hackers and riggers ready to resteal, rig and hack any and all future elections in this country. Dump computerized electronic voting machines and computerized electronic vote tabulating machines

Restoring our American democracy Restoring our democracy before the 2006 elections 19 January 2005.

The Gang of 900 Adjectives for the stolen 2004 Presidential election. Hundreds of adjectives for the election fraud 17 January 2005.

The San Francisco Bay Guardian newspaper can't seem to say, "the stolen election." Here are some other suggested adjectives for the stolen election. The Boxer Rebellion of 200515 January 2005.

Hundreds of adjectives for the stolen election. Hundreds of adjectives for the election fraud 15 January 2005.

On January 6, 2005 in a historic action, Senator Barbara Boxer and some thirty Representatives challenged the Ohio electoral vote in Congress, but they were barely scratching the surface of massive Republican election fraud across the country on November 2. Historic protest of election fraud 7 January 2005. Publshed in The Montclarion on 21 January 2005.

Bush is always prattling on about democracy and freedom, but he is profoundly anti-democracy and anti-freedom. Bush prattles about deomcracy and freedom 27 December 2004. Published in the Berkeley Daily Planet on 4 January 2005 and in The Montclarion on 7 January 2005.

RE: the possible changing of the name of the Bay Bridge to the Emperor Norton Bridge. Since we have spent the last fifteen years dawdling over the renovation of the eastern span of the Bay Bridge that runs from San Francisco to Oakland, maybe we can spend another five years bickering over a new name for said bridge. Sounds like a plan to me. Possible Bay Bridge renaming? 15 December 2004. Corporation is heading for some serious legal trouble with its recently announced plan to scan, copy, digitize and store the massive holdings of many major university libraries which include thousands of books that are currently protected by federal copyright law. Possible Google copyright violations 14 December 2004.

The corporate print media gives very scant coverage to the explosive story that the Bush & Co. may have stolen another election, this time on 2 November 2004. Scant coverage of a possibly stolen election 9 December 2004.

The extreme likelihood (odds of 250,000,000 to 1) of electronic hacking and rigging theft of the November 2nd Presidential election by Bush & Co. Rigged Bush elections 5 December 2004.

Election rigging in the U. S. election compared with election rigging in the Ukraine election. U. S. rigged elections vs. Ukrainian rigged elections 29 November 2004.

What a hoot! Officials of the Bush administration are pointing at exit polls and saying that they show that the election was stolen. Exit polls and stolen elections 23 November 2004.

Another stolen election: Bush re-stole the election in November 2004 with the aid of rigged computerized electronic voting machine counting. Another stolen election 11 November 2004.

Historically, no incumbent President with approval ratings below 50% has ever been reelected. Bush's pre-election approval ratings have been stuck at 48% for the last several months, yet magically in the 2004 Presidential election he supposedly received some 52% of the total popular vote. Ah, the magic of electronic computerized voting in the 21st century with no nasty, troubling annoying paper trails; now elections can be rigged and stolen and at first, no one hardly seems to notice. stolen election 11 November 2004

On 10 November 2004 the Sacramento Bee printed a page ten story from the Cox News Service condescendingly headlined, "Diehard Kerry backers push conspiracy theories." That's rich. All we are asking for is to give honest vote-counting a chance. We want each vote counted in an open, transparent and verifiable method. This seemingly quaint notion of wanting honest elections is being characterized in an extremely negative way by the corporate news media. Media minimizes outrage over stolen election 10 November 2004.

Just say President Kerry and oppose Bush who just re-stole the election in November 2004 with the aid of rigged computerized electronic voting machine mis-counting. President Kerry 7 November 2004.

Bush re-stole the election in November 2004 with the aid of rigged computerized electronic voting machine counting. Bush stole the election again with the aid of electronic computer vote counting 4 November 2004. (Published in the Berkeley Daily Planet on 9 November 2004 under the banner, Another Stolen Election.

The absurdly high level of incompetence of the Bush Administration has been clearly revealed by the current flu vaccine fiasco. Bush flu vaccine fiasco 16 October 2004.

Chips ahoy, matey: personal identity information that would be stored in an implanted under-the-skin scannable microchip was approved by the U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on 14 October 2004. Microchip identification implants 15 October 2004.

Arrogant artist and arrogant Bush share some mental disabilities: a sense of royal entitlement, a fear of any criticism, stubbornness and stupidity. Arrogant artist and arrogant Bush 9 October 2004.

Does Oakland really need a massive gambling casino? Wrong place, wrong time, wrong business. Oakland Gambling Casino? 8 October 2004.

Governor Schwarzenegger's several recent vetoes of progressive social, consumer and labor legislation which have revealed his support of the reactionary Republican corporate agenda: Reactionary GovernorSchwarzenegger 3 October 2004.

Kerry wins first debate hands down. Kerry wins debate 1 October 2004.

Setting up a 350,000 pound statue to honor the late David Brower in Berkeley, California? . 350,000 pound Statues in Berkeley? 22 September 2004.

Setting up of the perfect police-state in California using the Vehicle Mileage Tax (VMT). California Police-state 8 August 2004.

Martha Stewart and her estate confinement Martha's wrist slapped 23 July 2004.

The Disco Bank The Disco Bank 27 June 2004.

Our new Royalty in Oakland, California: 690 Oakland City employees are paid over $100,000 per year. For starters, maybe they need a 25% pay cut. Why should City employees earn more than taxpapers? Oakland's City Employees overpaid and not doing jack to boot? 15 June 2004.

Do we really need archways over College Avenue in Rockridge, Oakland, California? Rockridge archways10 May 2004. Published in The Montclarion, 14 May 2004.

Diebold Corporation to rig California elections in November 2004? Diebold Corporation in California elections 20 April 2004

Newly discovered Species of American Drivers Observed on Freeways and Local Streets. Or, What ever happened to the lost art of turn-signalling? New Species of Drivers 1 November 1998

No privacy left with the new Google busybodying scanning gmail. Here is a sample Gmail with lots of consumer product keywords for Google to chew on... Google Gmail follies 19 April 2004

One-handed garbage collectors? Even the garbage collectors today can't seem to do their jobs without cell-phone yakking at the same time. I was quite astonished to see the garbage collector talking on his cell phone and picking up the garbage can with his remaining free hand 15 April 2004

I was quite astonished to read the editorial by Mr. Dolph Tillotson, your publisher, entitled, "History will look fondly on Bush, war." Oh yeah... I was quite astonished 13 April 2004 Published in the Galveston County Daily News as a guest column on 29 May 2004.

Abolish bilingual ballots in California elections Abolish bilingual ballots in California elections 12 April 2004

Rating the Letters-to-the-Editor policies of Northern California and San Francisco Bay Area Newspapers Rating the Letters-to-the-Editor policies of Northern California and San Francisco Bay Area Newspapers 11 April 2004

Bush failing to impose his police-state dictatorship on Iraq Bush police state in Iraq 10 April 2004

Cluster-bomb Bush Cluster-bomb Bush 10 April 2004

Grade inflation Grade inflation 8 April 2004

The network news on the radio had been taken over by some teenybopper very excitedly babbling away about the al-Queda and terrorism... Tennybopper babbling 8 April 2004

High school diplomas in California without even passing elementary algebra. Brilliant. No algebra 6 April 2004

Rockridge Reconsidered: A Personal Critique Rockridge Reconsidered 1 April 2004

How about creating a letters-to-the-editor column in the Garden section of the Contra Costa Times? Garden letters-to-the-editor column? 20 March 2004

Q: Do spiders dislike dusty old webs? Do spiders get bored? Do spiders get bored? 20 March 2004

Algebra, algebra, where art thou? Algebra 13 March 2004

The parrot rating system for mass media: Parrot Rating System

9 March 2004

Try the amazing new product, Bush-be-Gone® Bush-be-Gone 7 March 2004. Published in The Montclarion, 19 March 2004.

Martha, my dear Martha, my dear 7 March 2004

At least 25 good reasons to vote "No on Bush" in November 2004. Vote No on Bush 7 March 2004

A somewhat jaundiced, but hopefully progressive and common sense view of the news stories, articles and headlines seen in today's in Northern California newspapers, Saturday, 6 March 2004. News critique

The New York Times and the Contra Costa Times are still parroting Bush lies about Haiti. They claim that Aristide is "free" to remain in the Central African Republic. Since he's still under house arrest, I guess that he's "free to remain under house arrest." Alice-in-Wonderland Bush baloney finely sliced and served up by the corporate news media. Corporate news media still lying about Aristide 5 March 2004

Hands off our Email, Mr. Gates. Hands off our Email, Mr. Gates 5 March 2004

President Aristide, kidnapped out of Haiti by U. S. government forces, is now being held incommunicado and under house arrest in the Central Africa Republic. Does this sound like "voluntary exile?" Aristide held captive 3 March 2004

Aristide kidnapped. Aristide kidnapped 1 March 2004

The Extreme Right-wing Bush crap and baloney of the week, Part 2 Bush crap 2 1 March 2004

A different view after checking out the new web site Check out the Vote Nader web site 1 March 2004

The Extreme Right-wing Bush crap and baloney of the day Bush crap 22 February 2004

Ralph Nader dreams of being "Spoiler 2" in the November 2004 Presidential Elections Ralph Nader Spoiler 22 February 2004

Maybe its time for bicycle riders to pay some taxes to cover the costs of the construction and maintenance of bicycle lanes, bicycle overpasses, bicycle racks and bicycle lanes striping. Bicycle Taxes 22 February 2004

Mr. Alan Greenspan, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, supports unlimited corporate greed that is behind the growing outsourcing of American jobs. Outsourcing greed 21 February 2004

I was amazed to see the laughable headline, "Tyranny Seen in the Oakland School Takeover" Laughable 21 February 2004 (Published in the Berkeley Daily Planet, 2 March 2004.

Oakland, California School District Board members still clueless about mult-million dollar budget deficits. Oakland Schools Budget Deficits 18 February 2004

Humpty Bushy sat AWOL Humpty Bushy sat AWOL 16 February 2004

Al Sharpton calls Bush an unconscious liar Sharpton calls Bush an unconscious liar 16 February 2004

South-of-the-border real estate investments: beware South of the border 8 February 2004.

Bush maybe OK as a BBQ guest, but keep him away from guns, gas chambers and gunsights. Bush as BBQ guest 2 February 2004. Published in the Winters Express, California newspaper on 5 February 2004.

Which is more horrifying to watch on TV? Janet Jackson's bare breast or Bush's dirty litttle war on Iraq? Janet Jackson 2 February 2004.

Worthless Chinese folklore Feng Shui to be added to the California State Building Code? Worthless Feng shui 31 January 2004.

The Early Girl tomato and the Late Girl tomato The Late Girl tomato 31 January 2004.

Bush is really the one that is "out of control," not Dean. Bush out of control, not Dean 21 January 2004.

A letter to the Editor of The Packer A letter to the editor of The Packer1 January 2004. Published in the 19 January 2004 issue of the wholesale produce newspaper, The Packer.

Why Iran is currently a little leery, weary and wary of relations with the governments of Britain, Russia or the United States: Why Iran is currently a little leery, weary and wary of relations with the governments of Britain, Russia or the United States 5 January 2004. Published in The Montclarion on 23 January 2004.

The Hummingbird Lure Shirt Hummingbird Lure Shirt 1 January 2004.

Another phony Bush regime "terror" alert? Another phony terror alert? 22 December 2003. Published in the Contra Costa Times on 2 January 2004.

The Twelve Days of Halliburtonmas The Twelve Days of Halliburtonmas 15 December 2003. Published in The Montclarion, 12/19/03 and published in the Berkeley Daily Planet on 26 December 2004.





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