The recent proposal to tax drivers by vehicle mileage is much more pernicious than was indicated by recent letters protesting the idea outlined in your recent article, "Hybrids could pay more gas tax," (The Chronicle, April 20).

The Editor

The San Francisco Chronicle

San Francisco, CA

To the Editor:

The recent proposal to tax drivers by vehicle mileage is much more pernicious than was indicated by recent letters protesting the idea outlined in your recent article, "Hybrids could pay more gas tax," (The Chronicle, April 20). Once the federal government gets the power to connect your name, your Social Security number and your vehicle license plate number to an Internet database connected to a sensoring device at the gas pump, the federal government can then totally deny you the right to purchase gasoline at any price. Just imagine reading this message on the little gray screen at the gas pump: "So you are Mr. Steve Jones and you want to buy some gasoline to drive to an anti-government protest rally in the next city... Oh, sorry Mr. Jones, no gas for sale for you today. Thank you for considering purchasing gasoline in the USA today. Best wishes in your future driving experiences (if you ever have any), your Federal Government."

All of these youthful technology cheerleaders (Rah, Rah, Rah, Go Tech!) are someday soon going to rue their misplaced enthusiasm as the busybody corporate federal government assumes total and complete control of every aspect of their lives with the use of control systems made possible by the new computerized electronic Internets.

Yours truly,

James K. Sayre

21 April 2005





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Web page last updated on 21 April 2005.