The Editor
The San Francisco Bay Guardian
San Francisco, CA
To the Editor:
Is the middle age of the Bay Guardian (some thirty-eight years old this year, I believe) beginning to show inself in increasingly reactionary establishment print media attitudes, such as poo-poohing overwhelming evidence the stolen 2004 Presidential election? The recent Boxer Rebellion article by Rachel Brahinsky (The Bay Guardian, January 12) would seem to show the rightward drift of the Bay Guardian towards the views of the Pravada-Chronicle and the Pravada-Mercury-News in their continuing coverup of massive and systematic election fraud in Ohio, Florida, New Mexico and many other states in the November 2 Presidential election.
Thirty million votes cast without any auditable paper trails on electronic voting machines controlled by several rightwing Republican corporations including Diebold, ES&S, Sequoia, SAIC and Triad. Some eighty million votes tabulated on insecure hackable electronic vote tabulating machines using proprietary (secret) software run by ES&S and Diebold corporations. Any cause for concern? Rigging? Hacking? Exit polls? Check the Internet for hundreds of documented articles on 2004 election fraud.
If you cannot bring yourselves to say "the stolen election," here are a few more suggestions as alternatives: the fabled election, the fabricated election, the facade election, the facetious election, the facile election, the facsimile election, the factious election, the failed election, the fairy-tale election, the fait accompli election, the faith-based election, the fake election, the fallacious election, the false election, the fanciful election, the farsical election, the farfetched election, the farked-up election, the fascist election, the fatal election, the faulty election, the faux election, the fearsome election, the fecal election, the feeble election, the feigned election, the felonious election, the feral election, the fermented election, the ferocious election, the festering election, the fetid election, the fibbed election, the fictitious election, the fiendish election, the filched election, the filthy election, the finagled election, the fink election, the fishy election, the fissuring election, the fitful election, the fixed election, the flabbergasting election, the flagrant election, the flaky election, the fleeced election, the flim-flammed election, the flimsy election, the flipped election, the filched election, the fobbed-off election, the foisted-off-on-us election, the forbidden election, the forboding election, the forenesic election, the forged election, the foul-smelling election, the four-more-years election, the fourth-dimension election, the fractured election, the fraudulent election, the freaky election, the frigging election, the frigid election, the furtive election and the futile election.
Yours truly,
James K. Sayre
15 January 2005
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Web page last updated on 15 January 2005.