The Gang of 900 Adjectives to describe the stolen 2004 Presidential Election.
(Please feel free to copy and distribute this essay, however, please credit the author: James K. Sayre,; Thank you.)
by James K. Sayre
Can you imagine seeing the outraged expression on the face of Mr. Bill O'Reilly when he is first confronted with the Gang of 900 Adjectives that further describe the stolen 2004 Presidential election? How about hearing Rush Limbaugh's towering rage when he is first shown the Gang of 900 Adjectives that further describe the stolen 2004 Presidential election? Feel free to forward the Gang of 900 Adjectives to your favorite corporate media outlet for their perusal (please credit). Since the corporate media can't quite seem to spit out the words "the stolen election," offer them some nine hundred alternative ways to describe the 2004 Presidential election. Maybe one or two of these smug pinheads will begin to "get it," and do a little researching on the dreaded Intenet and thus begin to see the light, who knows? Maybe the corporate media will finally tire of the unending stupid monkeyshines of Bush & Co. and decide that the time has come to "pull the plug" on this illegitimate regime...
Perhaps you may want to create and send a set of twenty six Emails: the A's one day, the B's the next day and so on. Almost a full month's worth of reading entertainment for the powers that be. You can give the gift that keeps on giving. Give the Gift of the Adjectives-of-the-Day Club. Maybe you have red-state friends and relatives that need a little mental stimulation. They can dust off that old college dictionary and check out such entries as: the apocryphal election, the arcane election, the baneful election, the Byzantine election, the cabalistic election, the caitiff election, the disinterred election, the Draconian election and the ethereal election, for starters.
If you know of a progressive weekly newspaper, you could encourage them to publish The Gang of 900 Adjectives as a 26-part series: the A's, B's, C's and so on.
What happened in the stolen November 2, 2004 Presidential election was a veritable tsunami of Republican fraud, which occurred in many states, but especially in the so-called dozen "battleground" states. This election has been variously characterized as "bizarre," "bogus,""bushwhacked," or even "besmirked." What follows is a list of hundreds of different adjectives that may describe the 11-2 Day of Infamy. You decide which are best.
The abducted election, the aberrant election, the abnormal election, the abridged election, the abhorrent election, the addled election, the abominable election, the abracadabra election, the abrasive election, the abscessed election, the absconded election, the abstruse election, the absurd election, the abusive election, the abysmal election, the abyss election, the acquiescent election, the accused election, the addled election, the adjusted election, the ad nauseum election, the adulterated election, the aggravating election, the agonizing election, the ailing election, the alarming election, the alchemy election, the alleged election, the altered election, the ambiguous election, the ambushed election, the anathema election, the anemic election, the anesthetized election, the angering election, the annoying election, the anomalies election, the another stolen election, the antacid election, the anti-American election, the apocalyptic election, the apocryphal election, the appalling election, the apparition election, the appropriated election, the arbitrary election, the arcane election, the Armageddon election, the arrested election, the arrogant election, the arrogated election, the arthritic election, the artificial election, the ascribed election, the askew election, the asserted election, the assassinated election, the assigned election, the artfully-dodged election, the artificial election, the atavistic election, the autocratic election, the awful election, the AWOL election.
The bad-joke election, the baffling election, the bagged election, the balderdash election, the bamboozled election, the Banana Republic election, the banditry election, the baneful election, the bastards-stole-it-again election, the batty election, the beclouded election, the bemocked election, the benighted election, the besmirched election, the besmirked election, the bestowed election, the betrayed election, the big-lie election, the bilked election, the bitter election, the bizarre election, the black-box election, the Black Tuesday election, the blankety-blank election, the blatant election, the blemished election, the blind-faith election, the blustered election, the bogy election, the bonkers election, the bootlegged election, the boosted election, the brainless-heir election, the brass-knuckled election, the brazen election, the broken election, the bruised election, the buffoonish election, the bunk election, the bunko election, the burglarized election, the bushed election, the bushwhacked election, the Byzantine election.
The cabalistic election, the cacophonic election, the calamitous election, the cancerous election, the capricious election, the captured election, the caricature election, the cartoon election, the castrating election, the cataclysmic election, the catastrophic election, the cavalier election, the caveat emptor election, the censored election, the censured election, the ceremonial election, the chained election, the charade election, the charlatan election, the cheap-trick election, the cheating election, the checkmated election, the cheesy election, the Cheneyied election, the chicanery election, the chimerical election, the choked election, the chronic-sore election, the circumcised election, the circumvented election, the clamorous election, the clandestine election, the cloak-and-dagger election, the clouded election, the cold election, the collared election, the collusive election, the complacent election, the composted election, the computerized election, the concealed election, the concocted election, the condensed election, the conducted election, the confidence-game election, the confiscated election, the conflagration election, the conjectured election, the con-job election, the conjured election, the connived election, the conquered election, the conspiratorial election, the constipated election, the contaminated election, the contemptuous election, the contested election, the continuing election, the contorted election, the contraband election, the contrived election, the controlled election, the convoluted election, the cooked election, the corporate election, the corpus delicti election, the corrosive election, the corrupted election, the counterfeit election, the coup d'etat election, the covert election, the cover-up election, the crackpot election, the crazy election, the creationist election, the cribbed election, the criminal election, the crock election, the crooked election, the cruel election, the cryptic election, the cuckoo election, the cursed election.
The daffy election, the damned election, the dazed election, the deadly election, the dealt election, the debacle election, the debased election, the debauched election, the deceptive election, the deep-doo-doo election, the deflowered election, the deficient election, the defiled election, the degenerate election, the dija vu election, the deliquent election, the delusionary election, the defaced election, the demented election, the democracy-gone-awry election, the demonic election, the denounced election, the dense election,the deplorable election, the depraved election, the depressing election, the derailed election, the deranged election, the despicable election, the despoiled election, the despotic election, the detested election, the detrimental election, the dictatorial election, the diddled election, the Diebold election, the diluted election, the diminutive election, the directed election, the dirty election, the discredited election, the diseased election, the disembodied election, the disconcerting election, the disenfranchised election, the disfigured election, the disgraceful election, the disguised election, the dishonest election, the dishonorable election, the disinformation election, the disinterred election, the disliked election, the dismal election, the dismembered election, the dismissed election, the displeasing election, the disposable election, the disputable election, the dissected election, the dissonant election, the distended election, the distorted election, the distrusted election, the disturbing election, the divisive election, the dizzying election, the doctored election, the dog-pile election, the doleful election, the don't ask-don't tell election, the dotty election, the double-Skunked election, the doubtful election, the Draconian election, the dreadful election, the dreary election, the dress-up election, the drugged election, the dubious election, the duck-and-cover election, the ductile election, the dud election, the duplicitious election, the dysfunctional election.
the earthquake election, the eerie election, the electronic election, the El Supremo election, the embellished election, the embezzled election, the Emperor's New election, the empty election, the encrypted election, the engineered election, the Enroned election, the e-faked election, the end-of-democracy election, the enthroning election, the e-rigged election, the errant election, the erroneous election, the srsatz election, the e-stolen election, the ES&S election, the e-theft election, the ethereal election, the eviscerated election, the evil election, the excruciating election, the execrable election, the explosive election, the eye-opener election.
the fabled election, the fabricated election, the facade election, the facetious election, the facile election, the facsimile election, the factious election, the failed election, the fairy-tale election, the fait accompli election, the faith-based election, the fake election, the fallacious election, the false election, the fanciful election, the farcical election, the farfetched election, the farked-up election, the fascist election, the fatal election, the faulty election, the faux election, the fearsome election, the fecal election, the feeble election, the feigned election, the felonious election, the feral election, the fermented election, the ferocious election, the festering election, the fetid election, the fibbed election, the fictitious election, the fiendish election, the filched election, the filthy election, the finagled election, the fink election, the fishy election, the fissuring election, the fitful election, the fixed election, the flabbergasting election, the flagrant election, the flaky election, the fleeced election, the flim-flammed election, the flimsy election, the flipped election, the filched election, the fobbed-off election, the foisted-on-us election, the forbidden election, the foreboding election, the forensic election, the forged election, the foul-smelling election, the four-more-years election, the fourth-dimension election, the fractured election, the fraudulent election, the freaky election, the frigging election, the frigid election, the furtive election, the futile election.
the galling election, the ghastly election, the gibberish election, the glitches election, the ghostly election, the gloomy election, the goaded election, the goofy election, the goose-stepping election, the Gorgorian election, the grave-of-democracy election, the grim election, the grisly election, the grievous election, the gross election, the grotesque election, the grousing election, the grubby election, the gruesome election, the guff election, the guise election, the gutted election, the gutter election.
the hacked election, the ha-ha-ha election, the haggard election, the hairy election, the half-baked election, the half-life election, the half-witted-heir election, the Halliburtoned election, the hallucinatory election, the halted election, the ham-fisted election, the hammerlocked election, the hampered election, the hamstrung election, the hand-picked-winner election, the hangover election, the hanky-panky election, the hapless election, the
by James K. Sayre
(Please feel free to copy and distribute this essay, however, please credit the author: James K. Sayre,; Thank you.)
17 January 2005
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