The Bush regime has rigged the proposed Iraqi constitution by embedding 100 Orders in it that allow U. S. corporations to control and steal Iraq's vast oil reserves and to run the rest of the Iraqi economy for their own private benefit.
To the Editor:
The Bush regime has rigged the proposed Iraqi Constitution by embedding 100 Orders in it that allow U. S. corporations to control and steal Iraq's vast oil reserves and to run the rest of the Iraqi economy for their own private benefit. Imagine if the writers of the United States Constitution back in 1787 had been infiltrated, corrupted and subverted by agents of the British Crown who had insisted on the insertion of orders and special provisions that allowed British corporations to control all the major American colonial resources including timber, fisheries, farmland, water power and manufacturing facilities. What if American farmers had been forced to purchase new crop seeds from British corporations each year? That, in essence, is what the American military occupiers of Iraq have illegally done in the proposed Iraq Constitution. These illegal actions are violations of International Law and the United Nations Charter.
Paul Bremer, the then United States Proconsul in Baghdad and and the head of the U. S. -created " Coalition Provisional Authority" inserted one hundred Orders into the interim ruling authority's rules. These Orders allow U. S. corporations to control and eventually steal the vast Iraqi oil reserves and also to control the rest of the Iraqi economy. These Orders are deeply embedded in the proposed Iraqi Constitution in such a manner that it will be almost impossible for the Iraqis to get rid of them. This is what Mr. Bush likes to call "democracy."
This is part of the alleged "sovereignty" supposedly granted to the Iraqis by the U. S. occupation in June, 2004. For example, Order 81, one of these illegal Orders, outlaws the traditional seed-saving practices of the Iraqi farmers of keeping their best seeds from their crops for the planting of next year's food crops and instead, forces them to buy new seeds each year from U. S. corporations such as Monsanto. How's that for some "democracy?" What an insult to the farmers of the original Fertile Crescent, the cradle of modern civilization.
Thus, this proposed Iraqi Constitution, which has been rigged by U. S. and British occupiers, is totally illegitimate under international law and the United Nations Charter. It will probably be rightfully rejected by the Iraqi people, unless the Bush regime and their Iraqi puppets rig another election.
Yours truly,
James K. Sayre
27 August 2005
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