alternative Media: Alternative Media: Alternative Media: Alternative Media: Buy American...

Current Terror Alert Level : Terror Alert Level

And from Key West, Florida, the Old Hippies' Blogspot: Old Hippies' Blogspot


Pensacola News Journal Pensacola News Journal .. ..

Common dreams?

Think Progress:

Huffington Post: Huffington

Crooks and Liars: Crooks and Liars

Fire Dog Lake: Fire Dog Lake

Daily Kos: Daily Kos

Talking Points Memo: Talking Points Memo

Prof. Juan Cole : Juan Cole :

Russia Today : Russia Today, with Glenn Greenwald: Salon

Mudflats: // // : Al-jazeera :

Americablog: America blog

MyDD (direct democracy): My DD

Bradblog : Brad Blog

Online Journal : Online Journal TruthOut BuzzFlash :

Sibel Edmonds at justacitizen : Just a citizen

Mike Malloy : Mike Malloy

Sibel Edmonds at 123realchange.blogspot: 123 Real Change

Media Matters.:

Help prosecute George Bush for murder. Visit the new website, Prosecute George Bush at // Prosecute George Bush
an Alaskan blog: // //
Learn about how Women Against Sarah Palin feel. visit their website at // //Women Against Sarah Palin
Alaska Blogspot with images of sled dogs, scenery and the anti-Palin rally at // Laura in Alaska

South Ossetia, Georgia and Russia: a background primer of geography, history and recent politics including the Georgian assault on South Ossetia . South Ossetia, Georgia and Russia
How Senator John McCain brought the horse-and-buggy back, renounced militarism and became President: a fanciful tale. Horse-and-buggy days
ENRONed again: this time by oil futures contracts speculators who are unnecessarily and very profitably driving up the price of crude oil and hence retail gasoline prices. ENRONed again
After reading some of the alternative media sites, you may want to check some traditional at-home and household methods of relaxation: Relaxation:
ClubOrlov Blogspot, Cluborlov blogsot A brilliant and perceptive linguist unravels the tangled ethnic history of the Caucasus region, with emphasis the historical relations of South Ossetia, Georgia and Russia. See the essay, "What's wrong with Georgia?"

Prof. Juan Cole : Juan Cole
Russia Today : Russia Today
Kommersant : Kommersant
The Moscow Times : The Moscow Times
ClubOrlov Blogspot, Cluborlov blogsot
Prison Planet : Prison Planet

DEBKA : Debka

Online Journal : Online Journal
Common dreams? TruthOut
The Dependable Renegade: Dependable Renegade
Citizens for Ethics (in Washington) (CREW): CREW BuzzFlash :
Online Journal : Online Journal
Common dreams?
Truth TruthOut
Station Charon Blogspot : Station Charon :

Americablog: America blog

Talking Points Memo: Talking Points Memo

MyDD (direct democracy): My DD

Electronic Election Fraud: Brad Blog : Brad Blog
Electronic Election Fraud: Verified : Verified Voting
Electronic Election Fraud Black Box Voting at Black Box
Electronic Election Fraud: The OpEdNews:

The Middle East: : Al-jazeera

Prof. Juan Cole : Juan Cole
Al-Ahram ("the pyramids") Weekly On-line (original print version published in Cairo, Egypt since 1875): Al-Ahram Weekly
Freedom for Freedom for Egyptians


The Mike Malloy Show: The Mike Malloy Show

Randi Rhodes : The Randi Rhodes Show

Air America Radio network: Air America Radio Democracy Now
KPFA FM/ Pacifica radio. KPFA radio


Princess Sparkle Pony's Photo Blog : Princess Sparkle Pony

Media analysis:

Media Media Monitors

Media Matters.:


Black Box Voting at Black Box

Brad Blog : Brad Blog

Moee Progessive web sites:

My Left : My Left

The Old Hippies' Blogspot: Old Hippies' Blogspot
The Next : The Next
Echidne of the Snakes.blogspot .com : Echidne of the Snakes . :
Blonde Sense :
Brilliant at Breakfast. Brilliant at Breakfast
Information from occupied iraq: information from occupied iraq
Hoffmania :
Bring it on! : Bring it on!
The Rude Pundit . The Rude Pundit
NeroFiddled.blogspot: Nero Fiddled blogspot
The Coverthistory.blogspot :
Project for the Old American Old American Century .org.
Bella Bella Ciao
Axis of Logic: Axis of Logic
Crisis The Crisis Papers
Independent Media (Indy media): Indy (Chronicle articles commented on): SFist


Dennis won the Democratic Primary Election in March. Please support progressive Rep. Dennis Kucinich in the General Election in`Ohio in November, 2008; go to and make a donation... His opposition is well-funded by corporate interests...

Support Cindy Sheehan in her effort to oust the vile-Speaker Nancy Pelosi from the House of Representatives in the November, 2008 election. Visit

How Senator John McCain brought the horse-and-buggy back, renounced militarism and became President: a fanciful tale. Horse-and-buggy days

ENRONed again: this time by oil futures contracts speculators who are unnecessarily and very profitably driving up the price of crude oil and hence retail gasoline prices. ENRONed again

In Diebold We* Trust.... *Bush, Cheney, Rove and large corporations...

The President's Oath of Office President's Oath of Office

The Federal Oath of Office for the Vice President, Senators, Representatives, Cabinet Officers, Civil Service and the Military. The Federal Oath of Office

Tired of the tedious and interminable squabbling between the Bush regime and the rest of the world? Take a break at Markstein's brilliant and comprehensive web site, about comic strips, cartoons and comic books: : Toonopedia

After reading some of the alternative media sites, you may want to check some traditional at-home and household methods of relaxation: Relaxation:
Check out's link and read their well documented (37 references) essay, The Theft of the 2004 Presidential Election: No Paper Trail left Behind: : Project Censored
Voting: When they ask you if you want paper or plastic, tell them that you want paper and plastic, as in Vote-PAD, the new paper and plastic voting overlay device that allows voters with disabilities to vote on the traditional and reliable paper ballot. It is non-electronic, non-computerized non-riggable and non-hackable. Check out the Vote-PAD link at Vote-PAD web site. at and at Voters web site.
Voting: Learn how to fly like an Eagle in opposing continuing and growing Republican election fraud at Black Box Voting at Black Box web site. We must immediately return to the use of traditional hand-counted paper ballots in all future elections to restore our American democracy. As long as there are electronic, computerized voting machines and electronic computerized vote tabulating machines, there will Republican thugs, hackers and riggers ready to resteal, rig and hack any and all future elections in this country. All electronic computerized voting machines and vote tabulating machines should be donated to Museums of Corporate Greed.
Alternative non-corporate cooperative green ways to rebuild New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina and Flood Bush: : Green rebuilding of New Orleans

Establishing Museums of Corporate Greed : Museums of Corporate Greed
Life in the coming post-petroleum oil-free second Stone Age: Many experts say that we have already consumed over half of the world's known oil reserves and that we are rapidly using up the rest: Our coming life without oil: oops, no gasoline, no cars, no SUVs, no more commercial fertilizers, no more food transport, no more computer chips, no more personal computers and no more plastics... Post-petroleum stone age
Impeaching Bush for Dummies: A Useful Reference Manual for the best of us. : Impeaching Bush for Dummies
We need to protect our brilliant Constitution and Bill of Rights from further encroachment and degradation by the illegitimate Bush & Co. regime. Visit the web site of the Bill of Rights Defense Committee at: Bill of Rights Defense Committee Nineteen states are currently involved with trying to protect our Bill of Rights from further plunder by Bush & Co. This include Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawai'i, Idaho, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Vermont, Washington and Wyoming. "Do anything that you wanna do, but lay off my blue suede Bill of Rights..." - James K. Sayre, 5 February 2005.
Order 81: Privatizing ancient Iraqi agricultural traditions to benefit Monsanto Corporation: The Bush gang of corporate greed-meisters have illegally altered the economic structure of Iraq. Before the phony handover of power to a "sovereign" Iraq in 2004, Paul Bremmer issued 100 Orders with the force of law that privatized the economy of Iraq and left it open to U. S. corporations to pillage. One of the more egregious orders was Order 81, which outlawed the traditional annual seed saving by Iraqi farmers. This absurd rule was imposed by the illegal criminal occupation of the Bush gang, on the land where agriculture first began in earnest thousands of years ago, the Fertile Crescent. Just put the term: "Order 81" into your favorite search engine and check the results.
Voting: We need to stage thousands of 21st century versions of the 1773 revolutionary Boston Tea Party across America by dumping all the electronic computerized voting machines and electronic computerized vote tabulating machines into the nearest body of water. Return to the use of traditional hand-counted paper ballots in all future elections to restore our American democracy. As long as there are electronic, computerized voting machines and electronic computerized vote tabulating machines, there will Republican thugs, hackers and riggers ready to resteal, rig and hack any and all future elections in this country. Dump computerized electronic voting machines and computerized electronic vote tabulating machines
Voting: Overview: The Election Day Miracle of the Republican electrons in GOP-buddy secret computer software on GOP-buddy voting machines or Billions of tiny Bytes for Bush... Overview
Voting: The Voter's Internet Party. The Voter's Internet Party published in the Berkeley Daily Planet on 18 February 2005.
Voting: Overview II: the growing political scandal about how Bush & Co. stole the 2004 Presidential election with electronic vote flipping, vote fraud and massive voter suppression is picking up steam: Overview II
Voting: The Velvet Revolution/US is a new progressive web-based movement with the aim to supposedly reclaim our stolen American democracy, but unfortunately they are still following the treasonous Republican red herrings of "audits" and "paper trails" and "recounts" on Republican-controlled voting machines... : .The Velvet Revolution/US These progressives need to be told once and for all that this is all a giant waste of time and a fool's errand to try to reform electronic computerized voting. We must immediately return to the use of traditional hand-counted paper ballots in all future elections to restore our American democracy. As long as there are electronic, computerized voting machines and electronic computerized vote tabulating machines, there will Republican thugs, hackers and riggers ready to resteal, rig and hack any and all future elections in this country.
Voting: Follow the GOP-rigged Ohio elections at at Vote
Voting: Truth in Truth in
Voting: SolarBus: SolarBus: A Stolen Election?
Voting: Truth about the November 2nd election at:
Voting: at Voters
Voting: We need to return to traditional hand-counted paper ballots in our elections. This will confine any possible election fraud to the precinct level or at the most, the county level. Currently, with electronic computerized voting, which is run by private rightwing corporations with hackable proprietary software, whole state election returns can be rigged with a few clicks of a remote computer. Check the where's the web site at: is at Where's the

The Declaration of Independence. This document contains an amazingly detailed list of grievances of the subjects of the British Crown living in North America in 1776. The Declaration of Independence
The Constitution of The United States of America contains an amazing set of rights (The Bill of Rights or the first ten Amendments) for individual citizens. Read them and rejoice or read them and weep. In any case, read them and then watch the illegitimate Bush regime in action. The Bill of Rights

Information about Radio and television in the San Francisco Bay Area of northern California: Bay Area Radio and Television
Parrot rating system (from 0 parrots to 4 parrots) for US mass media, with a focus on the San Francisco Bay Area in California: Parrot Rating System
Ratings of the Letters-to-the-Editor publication policies of several San Francisco Bay Area and northern California newspapers: Rating Newspapers' Letters-to-the-Editor policies
Read a quick overview of the dismal record of U. S. interventions in foreign countries in the past one hundred and seven years. Thumbnail sketches of United States imperialistic interventions, military adventures, takeovers and other busy-bodying in foreign countries in the last 107 years (1898 - 2005

After reading some of the alternative media sites, you may want to check some traditional at-home and household methods of relaxation: Relaxation: (celebrity news and views)



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Web page last updated on 6 June 2010.