
by James K. Sayre

Forbes Field Memories Forbes Field Memories

Major Greed Baseball (MGB) sucks bigtime in the 21st century. Major Greed Baseball

Baseball is the quintessential American sport that has evolved over the last two centuries from early Colonial versions of traditional English ball games, which had variously two bases, three bases or four bases. Baseball is also closely related to the English sport called cricket, which has two bases.

Baseball is now played in United States, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Taiwan, Central America, the Caribbean and even in northern parts of South America. Cuba is a veritable hotbad of "bazeball" and has produced many excellent players over the years.

Baseball has evolved from a game for kids and young men, to a professional sport involving multi-million dollar annual salaries for the best players and lucrative television contracts for weathly team owners.


Softball is a relatively modern 20th century spinoff from hard-ball baseball. It is played by millions of schoolkids, men and women each summer in United States. Softball's rules differ slightly from those of traditional baseball as well as using the softer, larger "softball."

The "perils" of alleged "parity" in major league baseball : No Parity in Baseball

The three newest expansion major league baseball teams have never been given the opportunity to host the annual All-Star game. Baseball's All-Star Game host teams

Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig admits that at least the ten baseball teams with the lowest team payrolls basically have no legitimate chance to make it into the autumn playoffs. Baseball's absurdly unlevel playing field

The Opposites Exhibition Baseball Game: : The Opposites Exhibition Baseball Game Published in the Oakland Tribune on 30 March 2005. Published in the Contra Costa Times on 3 April 2005. Published in the Sacramento Bee on 3 April 2005.

Ban for life all the bulked-up steroids baseball cheaters: Ban steroids cheaters Published in the Contra Costa Times on 20 March 2005.

Anabolic designer steroids used to enhance athletic performance: a short overview: Designer steroids

Personal baseball essays:

Put a large asterisk (*) next to Ichiro's new single season hit record in major league baseball. Asterisk Ichiro's modern single season hit record

Bonds' 130 enhanced excess home runs: Bonds'130 enhanced excess home runs

No taxpayer sudsidies for the proposed new Oakland Athletics baseball stadium. Build your stadium with your own money

The cheater* Bonds* has had a little help* from the steroids* fairy* over the last five years. Bonds, the cheater

Let's have an interleague series at the start of the regular season of Major League Baseball Start season with an interleague series

Three things that are destroying professional baseball: Destroying Major League Baseball (Letter published on 4 April 2004 issue of the Contra Costa Times).

Efficiency Ratings for Major League Baseball for 2003 2003 Baseball Efficiency Ratings

Some Technical baseball terms Some Technical Baseball terms

Some "ball" phrases, expressions, and sayings Some ball phrases

Web Links:

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette/Pittsburgh Pirates Baseball

Major League Baseball Official Home Page Major League Baseball

Amateur Softball Association of America Softball

Baseball-Almanac Home Page Baseball Almanac




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Web page last updated on 7 June 2008