Major Greed Baseball (MGB) sucks bigtime in the 21st century.
by James K. Sayre
When a one-hundred and fifty million dollar payroll team (the Boston Redsox) beats a sixty million dollar payroll team (the Cleveland Indians) are we supposed to cheer, be happy, be amused? Baseball has become just another rigged stupid vile phony "game" rigged by corporate greed.
This year, for the first time in history, the National League playoffs were blacked out on over-the-air broadcast television (Faux) and relegated to those consumers who paid to receive WTBS on cable or satellite television. If you didn't pay for pay TV, you could just listen on the radio, just like fifty some years ago. Corporate greed has turned the baseball clock back to the 1940s for over-the-air television viewers of National League playoff games.
Corporate greed has rigged our voting and our elections with GOP corporations such as Diebold and ES&S "counting" our votes on easily hacked and rigged insecure, but secret proprietary software, thus destroying our democracy. Corporate greed has also destroyed the independence and truthfulness of our cable ?news" and our radio "news" and "news" in our newspapers. It is mostly just propaganda for the lying. election-stealing, war mongering, torture traitors Bush, Cheney, et al ad nauseum...
Why should anyone be surprised that the same destructive, cheating hand of corporate greed has also ruined baseball? Baseball teams with team payrolls greater than one hundred million dollars should simply be banned from participating in the post-season playoffs. Let 'em continue to buy their way to winning records, but keep 'em out of the post-season playoffs. The 21st* Century* seems to be the Century* of the Cheaters* and their accompanying Asterisks*.
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Web page last updated on 21 October 2007.