health notes, links and comments

by James K. Sayre

The one thousand, four hundred and eighty-seven dollar gold-plated Medicare tetanus shot. : Gold-plated Tetanus Shot

The medical establishment and Center for Disease Control (CDC) fantasy of an HIV-AIDS link:

Over twenty years ago, the federal Center for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia, raised its HIV umbrella over more than twenty traditiional independent diseases which they then lumped together and called "AIDS." They asserted that this HIV could somehow cause over more than twenty different diseases. Amazing. Actually all of these traditional diseases are caused by heavy and continued drug abuse. If you take enough toxic recreational drugs, eventually your immune system becomes severely weakened and these various diseases can take hold. In 1996 Peter Duesberg, a professor of molecular and cell biology at the University of California at Berkeley, published a brilliant expose in his book entitled, Inventing the AIDS Virus. For his troubles, he was ostracized both academically and socially. The medical establishment is unwilling to face up to the fact that their whole HIV/AIDS theory is a fraud.

Please go to the public library and borrow a copy of Professor Duesberg's book, Inventing the AIDS Virus.

You can also search the internet for "rethinking AIDS" or "Duesberg" and you will find much solid information on this vast medical fraud and hoax.

links discussing "AIDS" and HIV:

The New revised RethinkingAIDS New Rethinking AIDS

The New AIDS Review New AIDS Review

An AIDS dossier An AIDS dossier web site

The New York Rethinking AIDS Society: New York Rethinking Aids Society

The Virus/myth link: Virus/myth

Or check out: The New AIDS Review New AIDS Review Or read the detailed article by Celia Farber, "Out of control: AIDS and the corruption of medical science" in the March 2006 issue of Harper's Magazine, pages 37 to 52.

one excellent health link:

To me, Dr. Andrew Weil is the best overall guide to alternative health and traditional mainstream health care. He maintains an excellent web site at Dr.Weil's web site

Dr. David Williams and his very informative Alternatives Newsletter: Dr.David Williams web site
Splenda/sucralose is a chlorinated hydrocarbon and is merely the latest in a long and growing list of toxic artificial sweeteners. Why would anyone in their right mind want to add a chlroninated hydrocarbon to your food and drink? Maybe a private for-profit corporation trying to make money... Splenda/sucralose toxicity

Care for some spider genes injected into your morning breakfast cereal? A little genetic enginnering can go a long way GE-foods

Ecology and the Environment Ecology and the Environment

Nightcaps: Nightcaps

W. C. Fields on insomnia and its cure. W. C. Fields on insomnia and its cure

A very minor diet aid: buy some carbonated flavored (zero (0) calories) mineral water. Dilute your fruit juice with 50% carbonated water and consume a few less calories. Just be sure to screw on that mineral water bottle cap very tightly when your done pouring and thus save the remaining "fizz."

The establishment and Center for Disease Control (CDC) fantasy of an HIV = AIDS link:

Over twenty years ago, the federal Center for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia, raised its HIV umbrella over more than twenty traditiional independent diseases which they then lumped together and called "AIDS." They asserted that this HIV could somehow cause over more than twenty different diseases. Amazing. Actually all of these traditional diseases are caused by heavy and continued drug abuse. If you take enough toxic recreational drugs, eventually your immune system becomes severely weakened and these various diseases can take hold. In 1996 Peter Duesberg, a professor of molecular and cell biology at the University of California at Berkeley, published a brilliant expose in his book entitled, Inventing the AIDS Virus. For his troubles, he was ostracized both academically and socially. The medical establishment is unwilling to face up to the fact that their whole HIV/AIDS theory is a fraud.

Please go to the public library and borrow a copy of Professor Duesberg's book, Inventing the AIDS Virus.

You can also search the internet for "rethinking AIDS" or "Duesberg" and you will find much solid information on this vast medical fraud and hoax.

links discussing "AIDS" and HIV:

The New AIDS Review New AIDS Review

An AIDS dossier An AIDS dossier web site

The New York Rethinking AIDS Society: New York Rethinking Aids Society

The Virus/myth link: Virus/myth

A link to Barnaby Barnaby web site

Three blond lice: Three blond lice




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Web page last updated on 10 December 2007.