Life in the coming post-petroleum oil-free second Stone Age: Many experts say that we have already consumed over half of the world's known oil reserves and that we are rapidly using up the rest: Our coming life without oil: oops, no gasoline, no cars, no SUVs, no more commercial fertilizers, no more jet airliners, no more food transport, no more computer chips, no more personal computers and no more plastics, and that is just the begining of the severe impacts of running out of fossil fuel. We will all have to become home organic gardeners and many of us will have to become organic farmers. Check out the Cuban agricultural changes since 1990. The whole island of Cuba is now basically one large organic garden.
by James K. Sayre
Modern industrial windmills are just bird-killing and bat-killing machines. Windmills
Without gasoline, there will be no viable truck food delivery system, so we will either be starving or growing our own food locally. No trucks, no gas, no food?
The good news is that by 2050 AD global warming will just be a memory because we will have burned up virtually all of the oil. The bad news is that we will have burned up virtually all of the oil. Life after the oil crash
Sierra Club clueless about coming peak oil problems: Sierra Club Clueless
Check out the Cuban agricultural changes since 1990. The whole island of Cuba is now basically one large organic garden. The Cuban agricultural experience in dealing with very expensive oil, fertilizers and pesticides may be a good model for us when the oil peak hits our economy. Cuban agriculture
Check out: web site at: oil crash web site at: Oil crisis web site at: Hubbert peak (of oil production) web site at: Life after the oil crash web site at: Peak oil web site at: From the
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Web page last updated on 8 August 2005.