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The following link includes many sample medicinal and culinary herb entries ranging from Acacia to Zedoary including Aconites (2), Adder's Tongues (2), Agrimonys (2), Angelica, Black Cohosh, Chamomiles (2), Coffees (3), Fennel, Fenugreek, Feverfew, Garlic, Ginger, Ginsengs (4), Kava, Lemon Balm, Licorices (3), Mushrooms (3), Nightshades (4), Papaya, Passionflower, Peppermint, Pineapple, Rosemary, St. John's Wort, Saw Palmetto, Skullcaps (3), Soybean, Tea, Tea Trees (2), Tobacco, Willows (2), Yarrows (2), Yeasts (2) and others:

Sample medicinal herb entries including fifty major herbs and about fifty minor herbs

The second part of the book includes over one hundred and eighty human ailments, with a thumb-nail description, a listing of possibly useful vitamins, minerals and other dietary supplements, and a listing of possible herbal remedies, along with lists of recommendations of the German Commission E and over two dozen other experts in the field of herbal medicine, ailment by ailment and herb by herb.

The next link includes some sample ailment and health entries including Aging, Anxiety, Athletes's Foot, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Back Pain, Bitters, Colds, Coughs, Depression (mild), Flu, Gout, Heart Problems, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Immune System Support, Indigestion, Insomnia, Memory, Menopause, Menstrual Cramps, Migraine Headaches, PMS, Spring Tonics, Strewing Herbs, Tennis Elbow (computer mouse elbow), Tinnitus, Whitlows, Witches' Brews and Witches (folk protection against) Sample ailment entries plus possible herbal remedies

Preface, Introduction and more

About the book and the author

Book reviews



This page was last updated on 3 August 2004.