The Natural History of Foster City, California
by James K. Sayre
a draft manuscript
12 May 2005
Chapter 27: Equipment for Observing Nature
Besides one's own eyes, ears and nose, it is helpful to have relevant natural history guides, including bird guides, wild flower and plant guides. These are discussed in the next chapter.
It is probably best to wear older clothes, and a sturdy pair of walking shoes. The strength of the sun can be deceiving, especially in the summer and around midday.
For bird watching, a pair of binoculars is almost a necessity, especially for the water birds, which may be quite a distance from the observer. The familiar size, 7 x 35 is quite useful and reliable. Be sure to find a pair with an adjustable eyepiece along with a center focus. The new (to the author, in September 1994) Zoom binoculars are fantastic, going from 7 power up to 15 power. Bushnell makes a Compact Zoom which at this time (October, 1994) are available from the Redwood Trading Post in Redwood City for about $140. An excellent investment, birds can be seen as close up as in the nature television shows.
Along the Beach Park Blvd. bikepath on the outer levee, the piled up rocks and boulders can sometimes be loosely arranged.
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Web page last updated on 12 May 2005.