The Natural History of Foster City, California
by James K. Sayre
a draft manuscript
Chapter 13a - Observations on changes in profile of local beaches
The shell beach, which lies off of Beach Park Blvd. between Marlin Avenue and Tarpon Street, has had changes in its form and contours over the past two years. The author paced off newly formed .i.sandbar;: 100 paces or 300 feet by 15 feet by 3 feet in late May, 1997. Approximate total volume: 13,500 cubic feet. A second, newer sandbar or sand spit has developed to the bay side of the first sandbar. This second one is about 180 feet in length. By 11 June 1997, the first, inner sand spit had lengthened to 125 paces or 375 feet. By 17 June 1997, the two sand spits had merged into one.
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