Some links to individual English-speaking countries in the Caribbean:
Note: travel links may be very slow to open up due to their use of large colorful graphics.
British Virgin Islands British Virgin Islands
Dominica Dominica
Grenada: When President Reagan sent in the troops to overthrow their government in the early 1980s, the Grenada government Post Office was issuing Walt Disney stamps. Hmm. It is still a beautiful island from all I've read and heard. The Spice Isle. Grenada
St. Lucia St. Lucia
Trinidad and Tobago. The original home of steel drum music: Trinidad and Tobago
United States Virgin Islands: a beautiful set of three small islands. I've been there twice. Worth a visit. United States Virgin Islands
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This web page was recently created by James Sayre.
Contact author James K. Sayre at Author's Email:
Copyright 2003 by Bottlebrush Press. All Rights Reserved.
Web page last updated on 16 May 2003.