The California Committee to Legalize Abortion (CCLA): a very brief historical sketch.

by James K. Sayre

To Sisk (Tuesday essayist at (Nero Fiddled blogspot).

Dear Sisk,

Thank you for carrying on the fearless fight against those who want to punish women for having sex (the so-called "right to life" folks who are merely women-haters who want to punish women for having sex, but who are too gutless or too clever to be honest about it). Many years ago, back in 1966, I helped found the Stanford University Chapter of the California Committee to Legalize Abortion (CCLA). It was basically an off-shoot of the Stanford Sexual Rights Forum (SSRF), which was founded in January, 1966.

We handed out leaflets on campus, sold buttons and bumper strips and wrote letters to our state legislators and to local newspapers. In 1967, the California state legislature passed a very restrictive California Therapeutic Abortion Act, which decriminalized some abortion procedures and which was signed into law by then Governor Ronald Reagan. In 1973, the California State Supreme Court tossed out the restrictive character of this Act, and thus basically made abortion a basic legal procedure in all California hospitals. In 1973, the U. S. Supreme Court made its famous Roe vs. Wade ruling which legalized abortion in all fifty States. Since then, the forces of repression and darkness have been trying to turn the clock back to the bad old days of the 19th century.

Yours truly,

James K. Sayre

5 July 2005 and updated on 24 July 2005.


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