Boycott Birds & Blooms magazine, which has outsourced its customer service jobs overseas to the Philippines.

by James K. Sayre

Boycott Birds & Blooms magazine, which has outsourced its customer service jobs overseas to the Philippines. Birds & Blooms magazne, which purports to celebrate Americana, is published and owned by Reiman Corporation of Harlan, Iowa. Reiman Corporation has outsourced its "customer service" jobs overseas to the Philippines. Great.

When you call their, "customer service" number you first encounter their maddening synthetic voice mail, which queries you with, "OK" and "I didn't get that..." Finally, they connect you to an actual person, who is in the Philippines, some seven thousand miles away from the Reiman Corporation headquarters in Harlan, Iowa. Of course, "customer service" in the Philippines can't look for the check enclosed with the original subscription order. "Sorry for the inconvenience."

American corporations that oursouree American jobs to overseas locations are committing corporate treason to America. Boycott their products until they bring back our jobs to the USofA.




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