Some bird links and my personal bird essays:
by James K. Sayre
Stop squirrels from getting birdseed by hanging a soda
bottle bird feeder from a clothesline. Stop
Rossmoor Retirement Community plans killing of Acorn Woodpeckers
Rossmoor kills
Some notes on sixteen species of land birds that breed
in California and that have been listed by the American Bird Conservancy
(ABC) ( and the American Audubon Society (
in December 2007 on a national watch list for threats to their habitats.
16 species
of California land birds
yourself beyond bird-watching and try the exciting new hobby, fascist-watching...
The Fascist Watcher
The Phantom Birdsong CD The
Phantome Birdsong CD
as a child Birdwatching
as a child.
The Acorn Woodpecker
The Acorn Woodpecker
My first pair of binoculars: 7x35, purchased in 1956 and still
in fine shape My
first pair of binoculars.
a nice free birdbath by recycling a discarded DirecTV satellite receiver
dish. Free Birdbaths
for North Americans
Bird Finding
Guides Bird finding
guides for the United State
personal review of some nature guides for North Americans Nature guides for North Americans
For new bird watchers in and around Baltimore, Maryland, the Baltimore
Bird Club: Baltimore Bird Club ;
For those who enjoy surfing to the great down-under land of the
long white cloud (New Zealand), here is the NZbirds link: New
Zealand Birds
of birds in New Zealand: The Royal Forest and Bird Society The
Royal Forest and Bird Society
a simple peanut tray feeder for Squirrels and Blue Jays Squirrel Feeder Tray
The Texas Quail, aka, the Northern Bobwhite: :
Texas Quail
the annual Great Backyard Bird Count staged in North America on Presidents'
Day Weekend (17 Feb - 20 Feb 2006). Great
Backyard Bird Count
Hands off the
Caspian Tern's nesting sites on the East Sand Island, Oregon. Protecting Caspian Terns
Protecting Barred Owls from the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Plan to
kill them Protecting
Barred Owls Published in The Montclarion on 8 July 2005.
Killing Barred Owls (Strix varia) to allegedly protect habitat
of their closely-related cousins, the Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis) is
a bad idea. Killing
Barred Owls?
Sighting of The Ivory-billed
Woodpecker (Campephilus principalis) Ivory-billed
Woodpecker Published in The Montclarion and the Berkeley Daily Planet
on 6 May 2005.
Image-stabilized binoculars:
may be of use to bird watchers with fat wallets and shaky hands. Image-stabilized binoculsrs
Avoiding ripoffs when buying bulk
bird seed for feeding wild birds: Buying
bulk bird seed
For new bird watchers,
a mnemonic guide to some eastern North American bird songs: A
guide to birdsongs translated into "English"
Wild Birds Unlimited and their bird feeder camWild
Birds Unlimited
A great little
bird watcher's magazine: The Bird Watcher's Digest The
Bird Watcher's Digest
A link
to an obscure little treasure found recently at a thrift shop: Guide
to Idaho Birds, or Idaho Birds: Spot 'em, watch 'em, shoot 'em, smoke
'em, cook 'em and eat 'em: Idaho
A visit to the McNabney
Marsh (Shell Marsh) (Waterbird Regional Preserve), Martinez, California
to see the Great-tailed Grackle (Quiscalus mexicanus). McNabney Marsh 9 May 2004.
The Hummingbird Lure Shirt Hummingbird
Lure Shirt 1 January 2004.
at Crystal Springs Watershed in San Mateo County and in my backyard Chickadees at Crystal
Chickadees can be very
demanding and very pointed in their comments and their looks. Chickadees can be very demanding and
very pointed in their comments and their looks
The Birds' Teeter-totter The
Birds' Teeter-totter
Why do birds
hate Mercedes-Benz hubcaps when they are used as bird feeders? .
Why do birds hate Mercedes-Benz
hubcaps when they are used as bird feeders?
Lesser Goldfinches on my Cosmos Plants Lesser Goldfinches on my Cosmos Plants
English Sparrows feeding on my Mustard Greens.
English Sparrows
feeding on my Mustard Greens
in my Hawthorn Tree. Bushtits
in my Hawthorn Tree
A modern bird
name fairy tale: or how the Catbird came to be renamed the Gray Catbird.
A modern bird name fairy tale: or how
the Catbird came to be renamed the Gray Catbird
The Flicker is the North American Bird with the most folknames
and names The Flicker is
the North American Bird with the most folknames and names
A personal review of some nature guides
for North Americans Nature
guides for North Americans
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This web page was recently created by James Sayre.
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Copyright 2009 by Bottlebrush Press. All Rights Reserved.
Web page last updated on 16 November 2009.