Plants killed in my back yard in the mid-October 2005 during the unanounced raid by a contractor hired by the City of Oakland, California:
one 5' Bartlett Pear tree (Prunus comunis) (more "blight" in the back yard?),
one mature Anise Hyssop perennial (Agustache foeniculum),
three 15' - 20' high Blue Gum trees (Eucalyptus globulus) (started from seed from Australia) (the dreaded Eucalyptus: run for your lives: the Blue Gums are coming...) (contrary to modern urban folklore, healthy green growing trees are not easily ignited; they will burn only when subjected to an intense heat source, such as a fire bomb or an burning frame house, for several minutes),
three 1' - 3' high Blue Gum seedlings (Eucalyptus globulus),
two 1' Avocado seedlings (Persa americana) (started from seed),
one 1' Scarlet-flowered Gum (Eucalyptus ficafolia) (started from seed),
one 2' Pignut Hickory seedling (Carya glabra),
12 small Cherry Tomato plants (Lycopersion esculentum) (started from seed),
several mature Swiss Chard plants (Beta vulgaris) (started from seed),
three Chives (Allium schoenoprasum),
one Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) (started from seed),
one Hydrangea shrub (Hydrangea marcophylla),
two Licorice Plants (Helichrysum petiolare),
one Red Apple (Aptenia cordifolia) (started from a cutting),
two 1' Coast Live Oak seedlings (Quercus agrifolia),
several English Ivy vines (_____ ____) (Ah, the hallowed halls of Ivy, at colleges and universities across America, yet in Oakland, Ivy on the garage/shed in the backyard becomes transmuted into "blight"...),
four 1' Loquat seedlings (Eriobotrya japonica) (started from seed),
one Parsley plant (Petroselinum crispum),
one Thread Agave (Agave fifilera),
one 4' Green Ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica),
two Yarrow perennials (Achillea milliefolium) 'Colorado Sunset,"
three 1' white Dr. Van Fleet Rose bushes (Rosa rubiginosa) (propagated from cuttings),
one Twisted Heath (Erica cinerea),
some annual Persian Speedwell (Veronica persica).
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Web page last updated on 15 November 2005.