Animal rights:
by James K. Sayre
Horse racing is animal abuse : Horse racing is animal abuse
Just say no to Oakland City Zoo expansion : Oakland zoo expansion
some useful links:
The Texas Quail, aka, the Northern Bobwhite: : Texas Quail
The Wisconsin-based Alliance for Animals: Alliance for Animals
PETA: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals an activist organization the lobbies for the ethical treatment of animals, especially farm animals. . People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
The Humane Society of the United States: a longtime activist organization. The Humane Society
In the UK: the Canterbury Animal Respect Network: The Humane Society
Abolish Zoos: the National Organization to Abolish Zoos: Noazark
Some other information:
Help protect wild horses and wild burros that currently run free in our American West. A nasty little addition to the 2005 federal budget will allow the pointless slaughter of thousands of wild horses and wild burros. Visit the Wild Horse Foundation at wild horse at Wild Horse Please write to your Congressmen, Senators and the President and ask them to continue the federal protection of wild horses and wild burros which has been in place since 1971.
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Web page last updated on 9 May 2008