A sample ailment entry along with possible herbal remedies from the Ancient Herbs and Modern Herbs book by James K. Sayre, Copyright, 2001. All rights reserved.
Allergies and hay fever
Bioflavonoids, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E and quercetin may be useful dietary supplements. Other possibly useful supplements include vitamin B12, magnesium and selenium.
Recommendations by individual herbal expert authors are marked [rec]. See Ancient Herbs book for identification of individual books and their authors.
Eucalyptus, Blue Gum - Eucalyptus globulus - [rec]
Anise - Pimpinella anisum - [rec]
Astragalus - Astragalus membranaceus
Cernilton - Secale cereale
Chamomile, German - Matricaria recutita
Dandelion - Taraxacum officinale - [[rec]
Echinacea - Echinacea angustifolia - [rec][rec]
Echinacea - Echinacea pallida
Echinacea - Echinacea purpurea - [rec]
Elderberry - Sambucus nigra - [rec][rec]
Fenugreek - Trigonella foenum-graecum - [rec][rec]
Feverfew - Tanacetum parthenium
Flax - Linum usitatissimum - [rec][rec]
Garlic - Allium sativum - [rec][rec][rec]
Ginkgo - Ginkgo biloba -
Ginger - Zingiber officinale - [rec][rec]
Goldenrod - Solidago vigaurea - [rec]
Goldenseal - Hydrastus canadensis - [rec]
Grape - Vitis vinifera -[rec]
Hare's Ear - Bupleurum chinense - [rec]
Horseradish - Armoracia rusticana - [rec]
Jujube, Chinese - Ziziphus jujuba -[rec]
Marsh Mallow - lthaea officinalis -[rec]
Mullein - Verbascum thapsus - [rec]
Mushroom, Reishi - Ganoderma lucidum - [rec][rec]
Nettle, Stinging - Urtica dioica - [rec][rec][rec][rec][rec]
Onion - Allium cepa - [rec][rec]
Orange, Bitter - Citrus aurantium - [rec]
Pepper, Cayenne - Capsicum frutescens - [[rec]
Pineapple - Ananas comosus - [rec]
Pine, Maritime - Pinus pinaster - [rec]
Plantain, Common - Plantago major -
Plantain, English - Plantago lanceolata
Plantain, Hoary - Plantago media
Red Bush Tea - Aspalathus linearis
Red Clover - Trifolium pratense - [[rec]
Sage - Salvia officinalis - [rec]
Skullcap, Baikal - Scutellaria baikalensis - [rec]
Thyme - Thymus vulgaris - [rec]
Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Please feel free to Email the author at sayresayre@yahoo;com. sayresayre@yahoo.com
This web page was recently created by James Sayre.
Contact author James K. Sayre at sayresayre@yahoo.com. Author's Email: sayresayre@yahoo.com
Copyright 2003 by Bottlebrush Press. All Rights Reserved.
Web page last updated on 5 June 2003.