James' Crunchy and Spicy Tossed Salad


James K. Sayre


All Rights Reserved


2 large carrots

3 stalks celery

2 large tomatillos or 3 small tomatillos

meats of 8 walnuts

1/2 cup of pickled vegetables

8 cherry tomatoes

1/2 cucumber

1/4 green pepper

1 small apple or 1/2 large apple

3 garlic cloves

1/4 large onion

1 green scallion

1/4 teaspoon black pepper

1 teaspoon fines herbes

1 tablespoon yellow American (wet) mustard

3 tablespoons olive oil

3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar

3 tablespoons water

1 cubic inch firm tofu

Chop up carrots, celery, green pepper, apple, garlic, onion. Slice cherry tomatoes in half; slice tomatillos into wedges. Drain the pickled vegetables, rinse off twice, then cut into smaller, bite-size pieces. Mix all the salad ingredients into a large bowl and the apple pieces and the broken walnut pieces. Mix well. Sprinkle the black pepper and the fines herbes. Mix again. Add the mustard. Mix. Then add the vinegar, olive oil and water. Mix again. Crumble a square of firm tofu on top of each serving portion of salad. Refrigerate and serve at leisure. This salad should last one person several dinners. Store in refrigerator in a large bowl; cover top with one or two plastic bags.

If you are feeling more adventurous, add raw broccoli tops, cauliflower or other salad vegetables.

You may notice that I have completely omitted the traditional American iceberg lettuce leaves. Not only are they quite expensive (especially in the winter), they are about 99% water and provide little nutrition or even fiber. I plead guilty to having been addicted to always wanting to have my tossed on a bed of iceberg lettuce, but I finally decided that it was mostly a decorative effect.




Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Please feel free to Email the author at sayresayre@yahoo;com. sayresayre@yahoo.com

This web page was recently created by James Sayre.

Contact author James K. Sayre at sayresayre@yahoo.com. Author's Email: sayresayre@yahoo.com

Copyright 2003 by Bottlebrush Press. All Rights Reserved.

Web page last updated on 7 May 2003.