The full-sized leather-topped wooden desk that I purchased in 8th grade.

by James K. Sayre

When I was in eighth grade, I purchased a full-sized leather-topped desk for my room with some of my earnings from my morning newspaper delivery route. My parents had just divided and converted the upstairs "playroom" into small bedrooms for my younger brother and younger sister. I got the original kids bedroom which held bunk beds and a single bed. This room had a view of the backyard and a view of the neighbor's house; some cross-ventilation in any case. It also had a small clothes closet.

Getting the full-sized leather top desk was a significant step in growing up, at least in my mind at the time. It had six drawers including one double-sized one for files. I always had a little trouble filling it in an efficient manner.

I even used a ball-point pen to inscribe a small heart on the bottom of the leather covering that enclosed the words:

"Jim Sayre


Donna Burns."

Such was love back in the 8th grade in 1956.




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