Gardening literature

This is a rather specialized part of the world of gardening. I have enjoyed the writings of Reginald Arkell, a British gardening writer who wrote in the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s. He wrote:

Green Fingers and other Poems, 1932.

Green Fingers: A Present for a Good Gardener, 1934.

More Green Fingers, 1938.

Green Fingers Again, 1942.

And a Green Thumb, 1950.

Old Herbaceous: A Novel, 1951.

Collected Green Fingers, 1956.

In 1934, Richardson Wright published his definitive The Story of Gardening: From the Hanging Gardens of Babylon to the Hanging Gardens of New York (London: George Routledge & Sons, Ltd.). This is great bedtime reading: illustrated; 475 pages.

If these books are not available at your local library, you may be able to get them through the inter-library loan (ILL) for a nominal charge. These books may also be available used at the ABEbooks web site, which has the listings of hundreds of book dealers around the world: ABEbooks search



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Web page last updated on 26 June 2003.