What a hoot! Officials of the Bush administration are pointing at exit polls and saying that they show that the election was stolen.


To the Editor:

What a hoot! Officials of the Bush administration are pointing at exit polls and saying that they show that the election was stolen. I could not agree more. However, the Bush administration officials are very selective in their finger-pointing. They are not talking about the recent Presidential election with its evergrowing list of computer glitches, computer errors, computer anomalies and computer mistakes, all of which magically favored Bush, no, they are talking about the recent election in the Ukraine!

In our election, Bush had only a 47% pre-election job approval rating and only a 48% post-election job approval rating (Zogby International polls), yet Bush managed to get an amazing 52% of the popular vote in the "counting" on Election Day. A one day electronic vote wonder. Thirty million votes were cast on electronic voting machines without any paper trails.

This Bush election "miracle" was created inside of the voting machines run by his right-wing corporate buddies, Diebold, ES&S, Sequoia and SAIC, four interlocked secretive right-wing electronic vote-counting machine manufacturers, using secret software to "count" our votes privately.

Without paper trails for all votes, it is clearly impossible to demonstrate that this election was not stolen.

Yours truly,

James K. Sayre

23 November 2004







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Web page last updated on 23 November 2004.