Citron Marmalade

by James K. Sayre

20 Feb. 2004



1 whole Citron fruit (about 6 or 7 ounces)

1/2 cup fructose sugar

2 cups water



cut open Citron and remove the many small seeds

slice Citron into small pieces or chunks, removing the inner seed holding structures, if desired.

in small cooking pot, combine Citron pieces, water and fructose

gently boil for twenty minutes and then allow to cool

store Citron Marmalade in jar

refrigerate after cooling. .

Enjoy the tart Citron Marmalade.

Suggestion: use as the fruit-on-the-bottom to flavor plain yogurt.


Note: Citron is traditionally made into a candied Christmas ingredient without using the pale-yellow outer peel.



Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Please feel free to Email the author at sayresayre@yahoo;com.

This web page was recently created by James Sayre.

Contact author James K. Sayre at Author's Email:

Copyright 2004 by Bottlebrush Press. All Rights Reserved.

Web page last updated on 20 February 2004.