Camel Bookmobiles in Kenya? Yes. And there is a Camel Book Drive to collect books for them.

There is now a small fleet of twelve camels that each day trek several miles into the outback of rural Kenya to deliver books from the local lending library. This new service brings some books to nomadic peoples that cannot easily get into towns to visit the public library.

They greatly appreciate donations of any interesting books that you may care to send to them. Children's books, picture books, reference books, dictionaries, natural history and other subjects would be useful. Please note that the recipients are conservative rural tribal peoples and mostly Moslem by faith. So they have no need for any x-rated or r-rated materials. Also, it probably would be best to avoid packing books in liquor boxes, for the same reasons.

Mail donations to:

Garissa Provincial Library

Camel Book Drive

Rashid M. Farah, Librarian.

Post Office Box 245

Garissa, Kenya.

The least expensive way to ship boxes of books is the M-Bag international surface mail of the United States Postal Service (USPS). The M-Bag rate is $1.05/pound, with an eleven pound minimum charge ($11.55). Packages may weigh up to sixty pounds, but is probably best to limit each box to about thirty pounds for ease of postal handling. See the USPS for details.

If you want more information, just search the Internet for "camel bookmobiles" or "camel book drive." Or visit the web site: //





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