Mr. Bush, take a little personal responsibility for the horrendous messes that you have made and resign. And take Mr. Cheney and the whole idiotic neoconical gang with you.

To the Editor"

Of course, as President, Mr. Bush has always been ultimately responsible for the actions of the Federal government. So now Mr. Bush claims belatedly, two weeks after the fact, that he is will to "take responsibility" for the disastrous FEMA response to the flooding of New Orleans? Fine and dandy. Will Mr. Bush also be willing to "take responsibility" for the continuing slaughter of the Iraqi people by the continuing U. S. occupation of Iraq? Will Mr. Bush also be willing to "take responsibility" for all of his lies used to con the American people and Congress into supporting the illegal criminal invasion of Iraq? Will Mr. Bush also be willing to "take responsibility" for his attempted destruction of our Social Security system? Will Mr. Bush also be willing to "take responsibility" for the GOP theft of the Presidential election in 2000 in Florida? Will Mr. Bush also be willing to "take responsibility" for the electronic hacking, rigging and election theft of the 2004 Presidential election? Will Mr. Bush also be willing to "take responsibility" for his Administration's unwillingness to heed some four dozen warnings to the FAA and to seal off the airliner cockpits and thus stop any potential terrorist hijackings?

Bush: grow up, act like a man, and resign. Bush should also force Mr. Cheney to resign first and nominate John Edwards, Al Gore, Senator Barbara Boxer in his place, to give us some competent experienced national leadership over the next three years.

Yours truly,

James K. Sayre

13 September 2005





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Web page last updated on 13 September 2005.