Hey friend, have you joined the Bush

Excuse-of-the-Month Club yet?


To the Editor:


Hey friend, have you joined the Bush

Excuse-of-the-Month Club yet? Each month he sends you

a new excuse for invading Iraq. Collect 'em all; trade

'em with your friends; then, when you're tired of 'em,

auction 'em off on Ebay. A real steal at

$99,000,000.000.00. Write to Excuse-of-the-Month Club,

Box W, Allhat, Texas 54321. Boom! (scared ya' huh?).

Note: no Euro-checks please, remit payment only in U.

S. Dollars.

The current Bush Iraq policy is a caldron full of a

toxic witches' brew composed of an ounce of obsession,

a pinch of paranoia, a dollop of distortion, a gallon

of greed, a peck of personal pique, a ladleful of

lies, a freight-ton of fantasies, a bushel of

bullying, a dram of delusions and a shekel of


If Bush and Cheney would simply just resign, all

these supposedly serious problems would simply vanish


Yours truly,


James K. Sayre




8 February 2003