Yes, we are five years into the 21st century and it is high time to finally extend daylight savings to twelve months a year.


To the Editor:

"The time has come today" - the Chambers Brothers, circa 1968.. Yes, we are five years into the 21st century and it is high time to finally extend daylight savings to twelve months a year. No more awful "spring forwards" every April and no more unpleasant "fall backs" every October. Let us follow the wisdom and practicality of the French people in this matter of clock setting. There is no good reason to continue to suffer two bouts of jet lag each year, when we never even get off the ground. "Turn your love-light on (during summer daylight savings) and leave it on (365 days a year)! - the Grateful Dead, circa 1968.

Yours truly,

James K. Sayre (circa 1968)

9 April 2005




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Web page last updated on 9 April 2005.