More about the book and the author


The Ancient Herbs book is in paperback, measures 8+1/2 by 11 and is 449 pages long. It is fully indexed by the scientific names of each herb. There is an accompanying CD-ROM with 260 pages of text in Word that includes etymologies and folk names of each herb entry. It also includes some technical glossaries and other back of the book information.

There is also a section with thumbnail sketches of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other dietary supplements.

The ISBN is 0-9645039-1-3 and the Library of Congress Card Number is 200116501.

The CD-ROM is accessible through Word (in Windows format or Macintosh format).



A Book Received-notice

by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)

Volume 286, No. 11, September 19, 2001.

Books, Journals, New Media Received

Alternative and Complementary Medicine

Ancient Herbs and Modern Herbs: A Comprehensive Reference Guide to Medicinal Herbs, Human Ailments and Possible Herbal Remedies by James Kedzie Sayre, 449 pp, includes CD-ROM, paper, $49.95, ISBN 0-964-5039-1-3, San Carlos, Calif. Bottlebrush Press, 2001.


About the Author:

James always had a strong interest in nature, especially birds and flowers. Mr. Sayre grew up in Ridgewood, New Jersey and Mount Lebanon, Pennsylvania, where he attended public schools. After high school, he majored in physics for two years at Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He finished his undergraduate studies at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor and was awarded a Bachelor of Science degree in Metallurgical Engineering with a minor in Chemical Engineering. He also had one year of graduate study in Mineral Engineering at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. In the 1990s he did contract work in technical writing for several Silicon Valley corporations. In 1996, he published his first book, North American Bird Folknames and Names. In 2001, he published his second book, Ancient Herbs and Modern Herbs: A Comprehensive Reference Guide to Medicinal Herbs, Human Ailments and Possible Herbal Remedies.



Web pages originally designed by Bottlebrush Press and recently revised by Greg Yahna and James Sayre.

Contact author James K. Sayre at Author's Email:

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Web page last updated on 5 May 2003.